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Scientific afterlife hypothesis

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How is it wishful thinking? Digsy is simply saying that we used to think the universe is "X" big but we can now observe that it is at least "Y" big, and in the future as technology advances we most probably will observe it to be at least "Z" big.


So far there is only evidence to suggest the universe is only "Y" big but it would be narrow-minded to say that it can't be any bigger.


He's not saying, "bigger", he's saying "infinite", something for which there is no evidence. Hence, wishful thinking.

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Ah, but whether or not I can recall past events I would still be me, I will have received the gift of new life, my old life would be blotted out as though it had never happened (justification) and I could look forward to life with my friends and family who were also once dead in body and in spirit but are now alive.


You're simply confusing two concepts. There is the 'you' who argues on Sheffield forum, with personality, with memories and experience.

And there is the 'you' that is a physical body.

Being rendered brain dead would remove the first you, the body would remain, but nothing else. We are talking about the consciousness that is you, not the physical body. Recreate the physical body and it's no more 'you' in consciousness than your identical twin is 'you'.

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You're simply confusing two concepts. There is the 'you' who argues on Sheffield forum, with personality, with memories and experience.

And there is the 'you' that is a physical body.

Being rendered brain dead would remove the first you, the body would remain, but nothing else. We are talking about the consciousness that is you, not the physical body. Recreate the physical body and it's no more 'you' in consciousness than your identical twin is 'you'.


Hey I am loving this. Professor Dawkins is fond of talking about genes and how they affect our personality, and guess what, genes are part of our DNA.


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Hey I am loving this. Professor Dawkins is fond of talking about genes and how they affect our personality, and guess what genes are part of our DNA.


I think Professor Dawkins is aware of this fact, and takes it into consideration.

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How is it wishful thinking? Digsy is simply saying that we used to think the universe is "X" big but we can now observe that it is at least "Y" big, and in the future as technology advances we most probably will observe it to be at least "Z" big.


So far there is only evidence to suggest the universe is only "Y" big but it would be narrow-minded to say that it can't be any bigger.


Until eventually we would not be able to build a telescope big enough to see beyond observable space.

But that don't matter because the universe folded back on itself back in 1996 with the old figures and apparently still does with the new figures, and will continue to do so until we can't see any further, and then they won't be able to prove any different.


So the folding universe theory will be set in stone (theory being the operative word).

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Firstly, in this thread we must assume that something of us continues after death (whether you believe this or not). Therefore posts like "you die and that's it" or "there is no afterlife" are not valid. Please don't post them.


Secondly, religion and/or gods don't come into it at all. Please no posting about heaven or hell etc.



In general, most atheists and other non-religious etc. seem to think an afterlife cannot exist, usually because they associate the idea with religious beliefs.


Assuming we discovered there IS evidence of what most would call an afterlife, and just open your mind to possibility for a moment, what scientific explainations or suggestions can you come up with that might sound even remotely plausible?


Bear in mind we don't know everything in life and are constantly learning. There was a time when magnetism and electricity amongst other things were unexplained phenomena.


Maybe the neurons and grey matter that house our conscious are exactly that, just a housing, maybe our consciousness is a form unique energy in itself, and as energy cannot be created or destroyed, must continue on in some form.


I don't know, but the possibilty interests me


I have never, knowingly, met anyone who has died and come back to life in any known form that I know of but that does not preclude the fact that other people may have.

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