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Scientific afterlife hypothesis

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Yes but nowhere in the definition of afterlife does it say that you have to "die and continue to live".


It's inherent in the phrase isn't it.


In what way is after if you haven't died? And in what way is it life if you don't live?

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Which brings you back to the universe going through an infinite amount of other variations after your death before eventually at some point in the infinite future your life happens again.

I never said it replayed the same events everytime, although it does make it a little easier to explain.


I didn't read anywhere in the definition of afterlife that you had to be conscious of all the variations never mind being conscious about the fact you've even died.


That's not 'in the future' though, as a replay of the universe implies that time itself is replaying as well.


And if it's not exactly the same, then there's no chance at all that you'll even exist.

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That's not 'in the future' though, as a replay of the universe implies that time itself is replaying as well.


And if it's not exactly the same, then there's no chance at all that you'll even exist.


Your just going around in circles now.


The universe could replay an infinite amount of variations after you die in this life.

Until eventually at some point in the future every atom in the universe plays the same role it has done in this one.

I never said it would replay the same one over and over.


When I was referring to the current accepted model using the finite universe I said that someone on the outside looking in would see time stretched out like a film, meaning every atom in static formation relative to its space/time.

Then they would be able to rewind and replay the exact model over and over.

But in the current accepted model there is no reboot of the universe, it simply expands, and some will stretch to accepting models where it retracts.

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If it's not the same variation, then it's not me is it! If it's not me, then it's not an afterlife is it!

Maybe we should just ask the OP for a definition of what 'afterlife' means since it's too vague.


If it ends up with the big crunch though, will it not go bang again afterwards?

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Well, 1+1=2 isn't really a cause and effect thing, so I doubt it counts (heh, sorry).


You can travel faster than the current speed of light in one of four ways:


1. You have zero mass

2. You use infinite energy

3. You alter the speed of light (effectively warping the curvature of spacetime, I imagine this involves gravity)

4. You do it in another continuum, where the speed of light is different.


You missed 5 - By thought.


I'm finding it quite refreshing


A bit of a



my genes within the DNA are me.


Not so.


What makes you "you" is the years you've been on this planet.


If a clone was made of you using exactly the same DNA, the clone would not be you, nor would it act like you. It may look like you, have similar personality traits, similar learning capacity ... but it would act differently according to the education process it receives.


BTW. It was Dolly the sheep.


"Listen, I tell you a mystery: We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye....the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed." (1 Corinthians 15:50)


I suppose we did well to get to page 7 without quotes from "that" novel.:rolleyes:


life is sustainable on those planets


But not by people (humans).


A human would die in an atmosphere high in methane instead of oxygen/nitrogen.


1. We know there is only one universe, that is why it is called "uni"


2. We know magnetism and gravity have a constraining influence so would this affect the number of permutations i.e. not infinite?


3. RootsBooster was asking if the size of the universe is potentially infinite. How do you reply please?


1) In other universes, the inhabitants would consider theirs to be the only one (due to being on the "inside" - so to speak).


2) Magnetism and gravity can also repel - So the permutations are infinite.


3) Try to get to an "edge".


I’ve not read Carl Sagan’s book, so have no idea how closely the film represents it


The book is brilliant. The film, however, is pretty poor in comparison and misses loads from the book.

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Not so.


What makes you "you" is the years you've been on this planet.


If a clone was made of you using exactly the same DNA, the clone would not be you, nor would it act like you. It may look like you, have similar personality traits, similar learning capacity ... but it would act differently according to the education process it receives.


I am hoping that at the resurrection I will be different.


I was not talking about a clone, I was talking about my actual DNA with my genes encoded within it.


They say genes affect our personality so I would be "me" both physically from my DNA and in personality from my genes.


My experiences will be new to me but experiences are external.


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I am hoping that at the resurrection I will be different.


I was not talking about a clone, I was talking about my actual DNA with my genes encoded within it.


They say genes affect our personality so I would be "me" both physically from my DNA and in personality from my genes.


My experiences will be new to me but experiences are external.


Why do you refuse to understand that affect does not mean to dictate.

A replica of you, with identical DNA, would NOT BE you.

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Why do you refuse to understand that affect does not mean to dictate.

A replica of you, with identical DNA, would NOT BE you.


It wouldn't be a replica of me.


“DNA, is a nucleic acid that contains the genetic instructions used in the development and functioning of all known living organisms. The main role of DNA molecules is the long-term storage of information. DNA is often compared to a set of blueprints, like a recipe or a code, since it contains the instructions needed to construct other components of cells, such as proteins and RNA molecules. The DNA segments that carry this genetic information are called genes, but other DNA sequences have structural purposes, or are involved in regulating the use of this genetic information” which is me.


(Wiki, apart from the last three words.)

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