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Scientific afterlife hypothesis

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You need to read my post more carefully, I said energetic noise, as in noise on the electromagnetic spectrum


Some behaviours are instinctive and don't need learning, the human brain is quite impressive in it's ability to learn though. But that doesn't mean that your stores of electrical and chemical energy are going anywhere together when you die.


Science cam not explain instinct , or explain how DNA can be formed by it's self ! ( quick eg amino acids required to make DNA , however they can not exists without DNA being present ! Bit like chicken and egg )



Please explain your self what do you mean electromagnetic noise !

I am guessing you are talking non sense hear!



The inofrmation stored as electrons within your brain will change thier form

And move on when you die !


We don't even have a understaning of this energy when it is in out heads never mind trying to undertand it once it leaves us and takes another form!



If u think you know what it does I suggest you clarify with some links !

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Yes but I mean an explaination on the definite scientific afterlife, do you have one?


Science tells us energy is never lost but always converted to another form !


The energy that makes up your concious will one day also take another form !


We can't comprehend what the form will be as we still don't have a undertananing of how the electrical energy within our brains function !

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Multi universe theory as postulated by string and quantum mechanics sciences.


Don't really understand it myself but rings a few bells re:other existances.


Life has been created perfect in all instances past and present!


The universe was also created perfect as if it was just one degree off it would never had existed ! Paraphrase Dr s hawking

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Science tells us energy is never lost but always converted to another form !


The energy that makes up your concious will one day also take another form !

Yes, it will and be consumed by the tiny organism that eat our bodies and cause our corpses to rot.


What it will not do, is float around preserving our consciousness in some way, that is ridiculous.

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Science tells us energy is never lost but always converted to another form !


The energy that makes up your concious will one day also take another form !




That's exactly what I said would happen. It will take the form of heat, and disperse rapidly into the environment in a form that no longer holds information.

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How about this - humans aren't human at all but traps. True humanity exists as an energy field throughout the universe and the lumps of flesh walking around on the earth act as sinks sucking in and trapping a portion of that energy field. As the population of fleshlings increases the humanity field becomes spread ever more thinly and the fleshlings become crappier to each other as the restraining element of the humanity field diminishes. When the fleshlings die they release the residual humanity energy back into the field where it become absorbed back into the joyful collective unconsciousness!?

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