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Murdoch given go ahead for BSkyB takeover

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Don't think a conspiracy theory but possibly an extraordinary gaff by The Telegraph who published the comments by Vince Cable that lead to him being replaced (for this decision at least), but The Telegraph are one of the ones opposed to this takeover. Doh!

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I was perplexed by the Telegraph's motivations in spilling the beans. So if Murdoch takes over but relinquishes Sky News then he is basically in charge of a load of programmes and that's it? In which case he is hardly the Berlusconi in waiting he appeared. Or is this all just a sidewways step on his family's mission to brainwash the masses?

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Dear friends across the UK,


Our democracy is at risk. Media-mogul Rupert Murdoch wants to extend his massive political influence by taking over BSkyB and controlling nearly half the British media! We have just 24 hours to press the government to stand up for British media and democracy and stop Rupert Murdoch:


Send a message now!

In 24 hours, nearly half our mass media could be owned by Rupert Murdoch.


For four decades he has interfered with our democracy -- determining election results, bolstering politicians in exchange for influence, and smearing others who refuse his orders. But he may have finally gone too far -- with just 24 hours left before the decision, the coalition is still deeply divided on Murdoch's bid for BSkyB.


The government is deciding right now whether Murdoch can gain control of one of Britain's largest news corporations. Let's tip the balance against Murdoch's attempt to tighten his grip on our media. Click to send an urgent message directly to key decision makers on the BSkyB bid and send this on to everyone -- let's flood our politicians with tens of thousands of messages telling them we want Murdoch’s hands off our democracy:


Avaaz - UK: Stop Rupert Murdoch!


Murdoch has used his vast media empire to push war in Iraq, elect George W Bush, and block global action on climate change, and if he wins this week in Britain he will use his networks here to undermine all the issues that we care about. He has manipulated US, British and Australian democracy for years, but now he wants more complete control. In the US, most of the likely Republican presidential candidates are actually paid employees of Murdoch! When his Fox News Network was shunned by Barack Obama as a mere propaganda mouthpiece, it spawned the far right "tea party"and broadcast constant, often hate-filled attacks against Obama and his healthcare and peace agenda -- resulting in a huge win for Republicans in the 2010 congressional elections.


Murdoch media staff have trampled laws and standards when gathering news. Several News Corporation executives approved phone hacking and, when a formal investigation began, they had regular secret meetings with senior police officers who then failed to investigate the full extent of the scandal. Our government should punish such an organisation, not allow it monopoly powers over our media. But if Rupert Murdoch is allowed to buy all of BSkyB this week, he will soon own half of our newspapers and television. This should not be allowed in any democracy.


We can turn the tide on this powerful threat to our democracy. In the end the News of the World phone hacking scandal forced David Cameron’s communications director to resign. And a mass outcry from Canadian Avaaz members recently prevented a Murdoch-style TV network from getting taxpayer funding and stopped the Canadian government from removing the journalistic standards that would prevent this new network from spreading lies to the public. The fight against Murdoch has just begun, but already we've begun to win. Let's do the same in Britain! Click below to send an urgent message and send this on to everyone:


Avaaz - UK: Stop Rupert Murdoch!


The power of Avaaz and of this moment in our world's history, is the power of unity. Across the Arab world and beyond, people are coming together in common cause across all boundaries. Murdoch's power is the ability to divide. His networks spew fear and misinformation, dividing left from right, citizens from foreigners, muslim from western, immigrants from non-immigrants, etc. Murdoch knows that democracy must be divided before it can be conquered. This week, let's show him what unity looks like.


With hope,


Ricken, Alex, Emma, Sam, Milena, Alice, Iain, Morgan, Maria Paz and the whole Avaaz team




Murdoch close to deal with regulators over Sky

FT.com / Media - Murdoch close to deal with regulators over Sky


If Murdoch gets BSkyB, it will be a victory for monopoly capitalism

We're such a feeble nation that Murdoch was bound to triumph | Will Hutton | Comment is free | The Observer


'News of World' bosses dined with Met chief


'News of World' bosses dined with Met chief -

Crime, UK - The Independent


Who is Rupert Murdoch?

Who is Rupert Murdoch?







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Dear friends across the UK,


Our democracy is at risk. Media-mogul Rupert Murdoch wants to extend his massive political influence by taking over BSkyB and controlling nearly half the British media! We have just 24 hours to press the government to stand up for British media and democracy and stop Rupert Murdoch:


Send a message now!

In 24 hours, nearly half our mass media could be owned by Rupert Murdoch.


For four decades he has interfered with our democracy -- determining election results, bolstering politicians in exchange for influence, and smearing others who refuse his orders. But he may have finally gone too far -- with just 24 hours left before the decision, the coalition is still deeply divided on Murdoch's bid for BSkyB.


The government is deciding right now whether Murdoch can gain control of one of Britain's largest news corporations. Let's tip the balance against Murdoch's attempt to tighten his grip on our media. Click to send an urgent message directly to key decision makers on the BSkyB bid and send this on to everyone -- let's flood our politicians with tens of thousands of messages telling them we want Murdoch’s hands off our democracy:


Avaaz - UK: Stop Rupert Murdoch!


Murdoch has used his vast media empire to push war in Iraq, elect George W Bush, and block global action on climate change, and if he wins this week in Britain he will use his networks here to undermine all the issues that we care about. He has manipulated US, British and Australian democracy for years, but now he wants more complete control. In the US, most of the likely Republican presidential candidates are actually paid employees of Murdoch! When his Fox News Network was shunned by Barack Obama as a mere propaganda mouthpiece, it spawned the far right "tea party"and broadcast constant, often hate-filled attacks against Obama and his healthcare and peace agenda -- resulting in a huge win for Republicans in the 2010 congressional elections.


Murdoch media staff have trampled laws and standards when gathering news. Several News Corporation executives approved phone hacking and, when a formal investigation began, they had regular secret meetings with senior police officers who then failed to investigate the full extent of the scandal. Our government should punish such an organisation, not allow it monopoly powers over our media. But if Rupert Murdoch is allowed to buy all of BSkyB this week, he will soon own half of our newspapers and television. This should not be allowed in any democracy.


We can turn the tide on this powerful threat to our democracy. In the end the News of the World phone hacking scandal forced David Cameron’s communications director to resign. And a mass outcry from Canadian Avaaz members recently prevented a Murdoch-style TV network from getting taxpayer funding and stopped the Canadian government from removing the journalistic standards that would prevent this new network from spreading lies to the public. The fight against Murdoch has just begun, but already we've begun to win. Let's do the same in Britain! Click below to send an urgent message and send this on to everyone:


Avaaz - UK: Stop Rupert Murdoch!


The power of Avaaz and of this moment in our world's history, is the power of unity. Across the Arab world and beyond, people are coming together in common cause across all boundaries. Murdoch's power is the ability to divide. His networks spew fear and misinformation, dividing left from right, citizens from foreigners, muslim from western, immigrants from non-immigrants, etc. Murdoch knows that democracy must be divided before it can be conquered. This week, let's show him what unity looks like.


With hope,


Ricken, Alex, Emma, Sam, Milena, Alice, Iain, Morgan, Maria Paz and the whole Avaaz team




Murdoch close to deal with regulators over Sky

FT.com / Media - Murdoch close to deal with regulators over Sky


If Murdoch gets BSkyB, it will be a victory for monopoly capitalism

We're such a feeble nation that Murdoch was bound to triumph | Will Hutton | Comment is free | The Observer


'News of World' bosses dined with Met chief


'News of World' bosses dined with Met chief -

Crime, UK - The Independent


Who is Rupert Murdoch?

Who is Rupert Murdoch?








The Ctrl, C and V keys must be well worn on your keyboard.

What is your opinion, if you have one?

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I was perplexed by the Telegraph's motivations in spilling the beans. So if Murdoch takes over but relinquishes Sky News then he is basically in charge of a load of programmes and that's it? In which case he is hardly the Berlusconi in waiting he appeared. Or is this all just a sidewways step on his family's mission to brainwash the masses?


So, to summarise, Murdoch has in his pocket:


the Government,

the police

and a large proportion of the media .


Berlusconi must be green with envy.


An independent Board and Chairman?


A total scam - rewarding Murdoch for bankrolling the Tories at the Election.


Same old Tory scum - redistribute wealth from the poor and middle classes to the rich and throw away competition law to help a chum.


Just goes to show that if you treat Cameron and his wife to Christmas Dinner you get a nod and wink on anything in Britain these days

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I don't know what the fuss is about anyway. On any day of the week in the UK, News International only have one tabloid and one broadsheet on the stands and there is plenty of competition.


Maybe you don't want to know what the fuss is about anyway, because you're just another tory, who probably considers himself better than anyone else anyway.

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