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Murdoch given go ahead for BSkyB takeover

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So, to summarise, Murdoch has in his pocket:


the Government,

the police

and a large proportion of the media .


Berlusconi must be green with envy.


An independent Board and Chairman?


A total scam - rewarding Murdoch for bankrolling the Tories at the Election.


Same old Tory scum - redistribute wealth from the poor and middle classes to the rich and throw away competition law to help a chum.


Just goes to show that if you treat Cameron and his wife to Christmas Dinner you get a nod and wink on anything in Britain these days


:hihi::hihi: Too right. I noticed the other day, he'd even got the FA and Premier League to publicly disagree with the European Competitions ruling that the pub landlady could buy her match coverage cheaper from Greece!

This all stinks to high heaven.

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:hihi::hihi: Too right. I noticed the other day, he'd even got the FA and Premier League to publicly disagree with the European Competitions ruling that the pub landlady could buy her match coverage cheaper from Greece!

This all stinks to high heaven.


As can be seen in this link, Murdoch does bear an uncanny resemblance to the Emporer from Star Wars, so you are bound to take his side.



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You clearly don't remember that when Murdoch was supporting Blair and NuLabour, Lance Price, the (then) Downing Street press office, once claimed that Mr Murdoch had been the “24th member of the Cabinet” (link).






Spot the difference.


(Trick question. There is no difference between NuLabour and the Tories.)




What a wonderfully myopic worldview you have. Someone disagrees with you = Tory. Still, it must be nice to have a philosophy that sustains you through the ever increasing complexities of the modern world. :rolleyes:


Maybe the only people who disagree with me ARE the gobby tory bullyboys. They certainly seem the most vocal on here; as you seem so intent on proving.

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