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Most embarrassing moments of 2011

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Last night I did something, im still blushing about it now. It was very very immature, im ashamed of myself!:hihi:


Im wondering what your most embarrasing moments of this year have been so far, il tell you mine.... after:|


A quick hint : i asked my boyfriend if he ever used to put something in an area that should be avoided at all costs..its what happend after...im red now just thinking about it.

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Im feeling your pain here... Luckily my moment has led to much laughter...its the "what if the neighbours saw" thats keeping my cheeks bright...being as we are new here.... my antics may have led them to wonder what the hell was going on.

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  • 9 months later...

Yesterday like many days we got cold calls trying to sell us stuff. We can get about 2 or 3 a day somedays.

So when the phone rang i though "ill have a bit of fun here" and i answered and using my best fake indian accent i said "Good evening, this is Rasheeeeeeeds take away how can i help?"

"Oh sorry" said the voice on the other end. "i must have got the wrong number"

As this voice was Enlgish i knew it wasnt a cold caller so i said, "sorry, who is this?"

Turns out it was my solicitor:blush:

So ive been told although it was very funny, the next time i answer the phone it would be better if i wasnt such a dick:roll::D

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