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Employing children cash in hand - A good thing?

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Yes it does. Obviously a caring parent is not going to let their kid starve to death because they didn't pull the flush. Credit me with some brain cells. A friend of mine has a young son who one day said in the supermarket "you're a rubbish dad, I want a new one" so my mate said "OK, bye then and started walking off down the aisle at which point his son quickly retracted and forgave his dad for being rubbish.


As for the eating coal psychology does anyone not think the problem is that every generation is softer than the last? I was told to earn my own money so did the paper round. Now paperboys are rare because soft parents just give them money creating spoilt brats who don't associate money with work or know it's value. "I don't want my little darling walking the streets at 6am delivering papers, it's cold and unpleasant, I'll just give him a fiver for doing nothing because hey, he's my friend too".


Yes but if we send our kids out at 6am their likely to come into contact with paedophiles, drug abusers, Al-Qaeda, pimps and sex slavers, not to mention Muslims. SF would have you believe it's a dangerous world out there.

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the firm i used to work for used to let empolyee kids do "jobs " in the summer no problems . unfortunately our employers liability insurers found out and we were told in no uncertain terms to put a stop to it as they would be uninsured

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Now paperboys are rare because soft parents just give them money creating spoilt brats who don't associate money with work or know it's value. "I don't want my little darling walking the streets at 6am delivering papers, it's cold and unpleasant, I'll just give him a fiver for doing nothing because hey, he's my friend too".


Both my boys do paper rounds. One of them does one in a morning and two in the afternoon 5 days a week. He brings home just short of £40 a week and has the freedom to spend his own money on what he likes.


And they did them everyday in all the bad snow we had last December no arguments.

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There is a waiting list for paper rounds near me, I know a young lad who wants to work.


Good. What I read in news reports was that they were on the decline. If that is not the case then great. Maybe it is in some areas but not in others.

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Yes but if we send our kids out at 6am their likely to come into contact with paedophiles, drug abusers, Al-Qaeda, pimps and sex slavers, not to mention Muslims. SF would have you believe it's a dangerous world out there.


Heh heh, according to the media there are paedophile factories in every city and a paedo on every street salivating and waiting to pounce on unsusepcting children.

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The great thing about employing kids CIH is that you can exploit them. Many newsagents are well aware of this. Kids are naive and think £10 makes them millionaires. They just imagine how many sweets, Pogz and Pokemon they can buy.


I remember when I hired the services of a young gentleman to clean my car inside out (don't worry I made sure all valuables had been removed). He nearly soiled himself in jubilation when I handed him a brand new shiney 50p coin. He's coming to sweep my chimney next week. I'll probably give him something towards the brush but I'm not made of money.

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Young Simon shall be offered 8 hours labour this week!


Technically illegal, but it's for a good cause!


don't worry about it he has human rights that mean he can 'work'

anyway its just an exchange of labour to money, your not employing him in a legal sense.

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