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Labour increase majority in Barnsley as Lib Dems lose deposit.

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I'm not seriously suggesting anything, I'm commenting on what actually happened. I don't know what the LDs were expecting, but we all know what happened. And that it happened somewhere like Barnsley is hardly a surprise. We all know that, aided and abetted by a credulous local electorate, Labour regarded Barnsley, like Doncaster, as one of their fiefdoms, and without a solid opposition, hence the sort of actvities that were able to take place there over the years. Obviously the message is getting through to some, as shown by the massive decrease in the Labour majority recently.


I'm not a member of any political party and the only interest I've taken in local or national politics for years has been purely personal, trying to bring the deluded ones who believe the sun shines out of the Labour Party to at admit there is at least a remote possibility that they could be wrong, and that it's not and hasn't been the party of the ordinary person for many years. Not only that, it poses a serious threat to the secure future of not just our city but the entire country, as evinced by the state they've got us into right now by their colossal ineptitude.

Other than that, I have no axes to grind. :D


An excellent statement and lets hope that this message is understood as the consequences of the electorate thinking Labour are the right party for the people of Sheffield are dire indeed.

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It's not just Barnsley...Sheffield suffers from it too.


I am a Southerner...and stop voting Labour when they ditched Clause 4...as it meant that the Labour Party no longer held the values that were important to me.


Thing is...in these parts people vote Labour because their fathers voted Labour and their fathers before them...it's a generational thing....it's part of the heritage of South Yorkshire (be it a Republic or not).


Now people here just paste up their red and yellow poster and vote the way they always have without questioning what they are actually voting for.


There is little now to distinguish the major parties....they are all Tories....only some are in the closet :(


But there has been a massive turn around away from Labour over the last 10 years,just look how close the Lib Dems came to taking what had been one of the safest seats for Labour for the last 25 years ( Sheffield Central). Just 165 votes in it.

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Voters often dont turn out if they dont believe there is any point.Living in Barnsley may mean the Lib Dem supporters had that attitude.Voter apathy is a major problem for all the parties and it is a problem that at the moment they all need to address.


The penny will drop at some point. There are virtually no LibDem supporters left in Barnsley. It's a pattern that will be repeated in forthcoming elections, all across Great Britain. You might want to make light of the Barnsley result but the LibDem leadership are cacking it.


Witness Clegg's performance at DPMQs and you will realise just how futile the whole thing is. He was embarrassing, really quite pathetic. He has no idea.

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A local council has nothing to do with central government. I know lots of people who vote politically in General Elections, but when it comes to the local elections, they vote for a candidate that either has a good record in their area, or who they think might make a difference. My vote in the local elections rarely has anything to do with their political party.


In my voluntary work I've come across a councillor on a regular basis. She is an ordinary person and understands ordinary life. This councillor goes the extra mile for those that need help, and puts in all sorts of hours to do it. I'd vote for her whatever party she represented, but I don't live in her ward.


I'm hopeful that Mr Milliband will come up with something soon about his intentions for sorting out the UK economy. I'm also looking forward to seeing what our local candidates say about the future of Sheffield. I couldn't possibly make up my mind until then.

Then carry on hoping!..........the lad has not a clue really except to trot out the same mantra "the cuts are to fast".."what about the poor", and other pointless non economic turnround blatherings.

The Labour party are spenders not earners and lets not forget they always leave office with the country in debt and in a mess!

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The penny will drop at some point. There are virtually no LibDem supporters left in Barnsley. It's a pattern that will be repeated in forthcoming elections, all across Great Britain. You might want to make light of the Barnsley result but the LibDem leadership are cacking it.


Witness Clegg's performance at DPMQs and you will realise just how futile the whole thing is. He was embarrassing, really quite pathetic. He has no idea.


and you know this because..??

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and you know this because..??


It was reported on the news last night, reporter outside LibDem HQ saying that the leadership were putting a brave face on it but conversations she had with highly placed LibDems indicated that privately are very worried. In another news piece yesterday it was reported that Scottish LibDem leaders are publicly distancing themselves from the party in Westminster, ahead of Scottish elections in May.

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The labour Party has decided to change its logo from a rose to a condom believing it more accurately reflects their policies. This is because a condom allows for inflation, halts production, destroys the next generation, protects the pricks, and gives you a sense of security whilst you are screwing someone over.

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The labour Party has decided to change its logo from a rose to a condom believing it more accurately reflects their policies. This is because a condom allows for inflation, halts production, destroys the next generation, protects the pricks, and gives you a sense of security whilst you are screwing someone over.


That joke works for the Tories too :hihi:

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