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Violet May's Record Shop

Chris M

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Yeah , one of the treasures of Sheffield , sadly disappeared.

I got aload of hard-to-obtain Piaf Records there in the early '60's.

Violet was a character. Is it my imagination or are there less "Violets " around , nowadays ? And if so , why ?

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Originally posted by Fareast

Yeah , one of the treasures of Sheffield , sadly disappeared.

I got aload of hard-to-obtain Piaf Records there in the early '60's.

Violet was a character. Is it my imagination or are there less "Violets " around , nowadays ? And if so , why ?


it's not a case of their being less Violet's about, it's just that we are married to them now so they tend not to stand out so much :P


Rlass would have by by the throat if she ever read this :hihi: :hihi: :hihi:

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Well , Owldlad , you ought to be thankfull you're married to a character , however well you keep her hidden from society.

No wonder they've all gone missing! Tucked away in kitchens all over Sheffield ! Selfishness , I call it.

If I knew how to contact her I'd tell her what you've said and watch you get your true desserts--------from a distance !

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Originally posted by Fareast

Well , Owldlad , you ought to be thankfull you're married to a character , however well you keep her hidden from society.

No wonder they've all gone missing! Tucked away in kitchens all over Sheffield ! Selfishness , I call it.

If I knew how to contact her I'd tell her what you've said and watch you get your true desserts--------from a distance !


Thanks pal, now I know why your in the Far East, it's the only safe place for you:P


How long is it since you were "back home" (starts to hum that sodding world cup song) and in which part of the Far East are you living.

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Originally posted by Fareast


I'm in China and I was last in Sheffield at the New Year 2004/2005.


Thanks for that Fareast, come on then fill us in on all the rest of the gossip, why China and which area (it's a big place) and what is it like. For sure it's a long jump from Auntie Violet's.

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Well , I don't have a lot of time at the moment. It's 8.p.m. here and I've a bit of work to do. Also , I suppose it's trespassing on Aunty Vi's territory !

But , briefly , I'm a teacher and I'm in a fairly big city [6,000,000] about 2 hours by train , south-west of Beijing.

I've been to China before , for 4 months in a place about 2 hours south-west of Shanghai but I didn't like that particular school.I came back to the U.K. for a year but decided to give it another go out here.I like it at this school. We have about 6 ex-pat teachers but only two of us from the U.K. In the city as a whole there are about 200 ex-pats-----enough to keep 2 or 3 bars going anyway [with a bit of help from the Chinese].

Everything 's on a huge scale here. I've never seen so many blocks of flats and there's loads of building work and economic activity everywhere. The streets and shops are packed. It's not exactly a "fun city " but I suppose they'll soon learn to let their hair down if they watch us for a bit !

Must stop now----tell you more later.

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