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The Broadfield pub - is it losing its good name ...


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I live near the Broady but had never been in before the renovation. It sounds like a mistake though. Now it's a very ordinary pub on one side, and just horrible on the other (pool room).


The open mic on Sunday nights is run by Tim and Justin out of Bison. They're doing a great job and I've had some great nights in there.


Now Sheffield's music scene is looking healthy, it would be a great opportunity for the Broady to start putting bands on again. Surely it would make financial sense, as the place is never exactly rammed during the week?

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I agree, it's difficult not to get drawn to TV's, especially when there's more than one within eyesight. I go to the pub to get away from the bloody thing!


I was in the Broady one quiet Sunday afternoon and American wrestling was on. I asked the 4 people sat in the same bit of the pub as me if they minded if I turned it off, everyone said "Please do!", 2 minutes later the landlady comes over and puts it on again!

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Just want to make my point clear as we now have a new thread......personally not bothered either way if TVs are there are not.....if I want to watch tv I do it at home, if they are on in a pub (especially with the sound off) its simple enough to ignore them and concentrate on the people I'm with.


My point was there are a lot of places that are far worse, to condemn a pub for silent TV screens (anywhere with a dress code, not enough chairs, overly bright lights, music so loud you can't hear the person next to you etc etc etc).


Ok it was a music venue, now its not, things change. Its sad but it happens. New people have new styles, different approaches etc. Sorry its a case of if you don't like it go somewhere else.

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Originally posted by antisocial

Just want to make my point clear as we now have a new thread......personally not bothered either way if TVs are there are not.....if I want to watch tv I do it at home, if they are on in a pub (especially with the sound off) its simple enough to ignore them and concentrate on the people I'm with.


I'm Sorry I disagree.

I find them extremely distracting and difficult to ignore.

I also hate going around to someone's house when they have the television on in the background. I find it the height of bad manners and I have great difficulty concentrating if that is the case in their house.

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Times I'vebeen on a Sunday it seemed a "closed mic" night rather than an open one


Not one offer for anybody to get up an play....just the guys who run it singing some covers and the odd one of their mates getting up.


Don't most people call the pool side the zoo?


Ive not been in the broadie for ages though, so cant comment.

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Originally posted by boyface

Times I'vebeen on a Sunday it seemed a "closed mic" night rather than an open one


Not one offer for anybody to get up an play....just the guys who run it singing some covers and the odd one of their mates getting up.



Sorry if you got that impression. I'll pass on your comments. I think the idea is that if you want to play you need to go up them and say so. They could perhaps make this more clear though.


It's certainly not usually the case that everyone - or even most people - who play are their mates though. They will always give precedence to people who haven't played before, and recent nights have seen loads of different people getting involved. The exception to this is the odd quiet night when there has been a lack of people wanting to play, so they've had to rely on mates to fill up the time.


As I said though, will definitely pass on your comments.

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Just to add, have just come from the Broady and was chatting to the new manager. Told him about what has been mentioned here and he was keen for me to say that he is looking to start having bands back at the Broady and if there are any bands out there interested, then get in touch with him.


Also having been to a number of Sunday nights, if no one volunteers, what are they meant to do???? Its a music night. the time has to be filled.

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Originally posted by antisocial

Just to add, have just come from the Broady and was chatting to the new manager.


I had no idea that there was a new manager, the last one wasn't there for long, right I'll start going in again, and that is wonderful news that they might have bands on again.. :clap:

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