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Disgraceful treatment of Muslims in Orange County

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Is it OK to judge Americans b the way the US govt. behaves ??



if we are going to live by the same rules for all the yes it is right to judge all Americans as idiots just as they by their silence on this issue are condoning judging all Nuslims as terrorists. Why should the rules change when the hurt is closer to home?

So far even the racist posters of SF who seemed shocked at first then quickly went back to their white robe amd pointed hat mode, simply couldn't stay being civil for long when the topic is regarding Muslims.

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if we are going to live by the same rules for all the yes it is right to judge all Americans as idiots just as they by their silence on this issue are condoning judging all Nuslims as terrorists. Why should the rules change when the hurt is closer to home?

So far even the racist posters of SF who seemed shocked at first then quickly went back to their white robe amd pointed hat mode, simply couldn't stay being civil for long when the topic is regarding Muslims.


And quite right too. So if the scenario was flipped and it was American Christians getting stick in Saudi Arabia would there be a such a big song and dance about it? I don't think so.

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Interesting first paragraph here


Zahid H. Bukhari is the Project Director for the Islamic Circle of North America, which has been under FBI investigation for links to terrorist activity. He also serves as Director of the American Muslim Studies Program at Georgetown University’s Prince Alwaleed Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding, and as Executive Director of the Center for Islam and Public Policy.

Now it was the ICNA that was holding the event I said there was more to this than meets the eye

I see in the frantic race to again defend anything muslim this snippet has been conveniently over looked,maybe instead of the biased account shown it goes a little way to explain why the demonstrators where there in the first place,obviously who ever initially posted the video somehow forgot to inform the gullible about this,again as I said earlier theres more to this than meets the eye.

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which has been under FBI investigation for links to terrorist activity.


Being under investigation for links to terrorism by the FBI is not the same as having links to terrorism.


Using it as an argument just makes you look stupid.


And talking of looking stupid, what figures do you base that ludicrous claim of your signature on? :suspect:

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Royce seems to be massively back-tracking now, the video clip has gone around the world.


He has to explain why he aligned himself with thick stupid American bigots screaming abuse at children.


Which, for a politician, doesn't look good.


He hasn't back tracked at all. In fact what he's actually said is that he has clarified that he was not attending a protest aimed against Muslims per se but that he was at a protest which was specifically aimed at the two speakers who hold extremist anti-semitic islamist views.


And he has also pointed out that (as is obvious from the video) he spoke at the event during the day when it was good natured and was not present during the time the protest turned nasty later at night when it was dark and it turned nasty.


But the people who have released this video have cut the video to make it appear at first glance that he is addressing the racist chanters when in fact he wasn't even there when that happened.


Also, it's obvious from that video that those children have been deliberately brought out and taken over to the protest site in order to film them and claim the crowd were abusing children. When they first come out of the building there are cars and there is obviously access away from the protesters but the children are taken directly towards them when there is clearly no need for that to happen.


It's terrible that they were exposed to such abuse and obviously the abusers are responsible for the abuse. But at the same time the makers of this video have deliberately exposed them to the treatment they claim to be so enraged about for propaganda purposes.

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Being under investigation for links to terrorism by the FBI is not the same as having links to terrorism.


Using it as an argument just makes you look stupid.


And talking of looking stupid, what figures do you base that ludicrous claim of your signature on? :suspect:


Actually they weren't just investigated, the FBI has gone on record to say that they have observed under surveillance members of the ICNA covertly meeting people involved in terrorism and that the level of secrecy and subterfuge involved made it clear they knew they shouldn't be doing it.

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Isn't Orange County in California? I'd expect this in redneckville but not CA. It's depressing that the protesters don't distinguish between average Muslims and the fanatics. As bad as the world assuming all Americans like burning crosses and hanging black people from trees.


The event was being addressed by people who have publicly aired extremist views including virulent anti-semitic ones.


This was not average Muslims, it was fanatics. That's the point I and other people on this thread are trying to make. Posters on here are using this as a propaganda tool by pretending that this was an innocent family gathering of moderate muslims which had unprovoked protests outside purely because they wre Muslim. This is not true, the protests were organised because this meeting was being addressed by extremists.

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Being under investigation for links to terrorism by the FBI is not the same as having links to terrorism.


Using it as an argument just makes you look stupid.


And talking of looking stupid, what figures do you base that ludicrous claim of your signature on? :suspect:


Easily done.


You're right though. Every Muslim organisation is more than likely under some sort of eavesdropping operation. Paranoia generates millions of $$$'s.

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