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Disgraceful treatment of Muslims in Orange County

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Posts have been removed for containing personal insults and bickering along with all the posts that referred to them.


Kindly debate the issue without insulting each other, attack the argument instead of the person making it.

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Being under investigation for links to terrorism by the FBI is not the same as having links to terrorism.


Using it as an argument just makes you look stupid.


And talking of looking stupid, what figures do you base that ludicrous claim of your signature on? :suspect:

should keep up with threads and the news.

As for your claims about the FBI,I suppose they just investigate for no reason:loopy:

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And quite right too. So if the scenario was flipped and it was American Christians getting stick in Saudi Arabia would there be a such a big song and dance about it? I don't think so.


Saudi Arabia? What has that beacon freedom and democracy got to do with it, unless of course the USA is being compared to the dictatorial Saudi system, maybe you are right both have religious nutters in places of influence and both view their own system as the best in the world. Also both keep quiet when their citizens go around the world committing terrorist actions, the simmilarities never end.

If you have a video of stupid Saudis doing the same thing then please post it on here so we can compare the two otherwise we only have this evidence to decide Americans to be hypocritical idiots.

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Being under investigation for links to terrorism by the FBI is not the same as having links to terrorism.


Using it as an argument just makes you look stupid.


And talking of looking stupid, what figures do you base that ludicrous claim of your signature on? :suspect:

There you go just for you everything you need to know about my sig claim is here


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should keep up with threads and the news.

As for your claims about the FBI,I suppose they just investigate for no reason:loopy:



to inevstigate is just that, to i n v e s t i g a t e, not to find guilty without evidence, so when no charges have been brought there may be a clue there that despite the investigation they are still innocent.

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to inevstigate is just that, to i n v e s t i g a t e, not to find guilty without evidence, so when no charges have been brought there may be a clue there that despite the investigation they are still innocent.

And despite the investigation which may be ongoing ,they could be a element of guilt or risk re the organisation ,there must have been something afoot to warrant an investigation in the first place

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More on Royce's hasty back-tracking:


Towards the very end of the statement, Royce did acknowledge the hate explosion, but said nothing more than, "It is regrettable that some protesters at the community center yelled insults at Imam Wahhaj's supporters."




The statement is worse than if Royce had said nothing at all. The video very clearly shows that children were among those who were screamed at, called "terrorist-lovers," and told to go home.


Royce's statement indicates that he has no problem with a crowd coming together to attack peaceful audience members. Nor is he upset with adults who scream insults at small children. Worse, he suggests that everyone who attended the fundraiser, including the young children, supported the controversial speakers.


Men, women and scared-looking children file into a North County community center as people with signs and megaphones shout disgusting remarks at them. A Villa Park city councilwoman says into a microphone that she knows some Marines who would love to send these Americans, whom she labels "terrorists," "to paradise." One U.S. congressman who represents some of those walking into the center says tolerance of them has "paralyzed America." Another tells the vicious protesters he is "proud" of them and what they are doing.


What they were doing was sick-making.


two keynote speakers were Imam Siraj Wahhaj and Amir Abdel Malik Ali. Wahhaj was among 180 people named in a letter by a U.S. attorney as a potential un-indicted co-conspirator in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing; Wahhaj was never charged and has denied involvement. Malik Ali is a Bay Area Islamic activist who spoke at the Muslim Student Union's 2010 "Israeli Apartheid Week" at UC Irvine and has said he supports Hezbollah, which the United States has labeled a terrorist group.


Therefore, despite organizers' insistence the event was for charity, the speakers made all the men, women and scared-looking children walking into the community center "terrorists" in the small minds of many protesters gathered behind police barriers. "ICNA supports Hamas and Hezbollah," read one sign. The Muslims were told their Prophet Muhammad was "a child molester," "a pervert," "a fraud" and "a false prophet."


"Take your Sharia. Go home. Eat sand," one man yelled in a voice eerily similar to one heard regularly on South Park.


A presumably Muslim cameraman who was filming the protesters was serenaded with, "You beat your women?" "You rape your children?" "Why don't you go beat up your wife like you do every night?" and "She needs a good beating."


"I'm being told to go back home," Adel Syed later told an Eyewitness News reporter. "I'm actually from Fullerton."


In a statement titled "Hate Comes to Orange County," which accompanies the video, Anaheim's Greater Los Angeles Area office of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) identifies some of the protesters as Rabbi David Eliezrie of Chabad Yorba Linda; Pamela Geller, whose Stop the Islamization of America group has been designated as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center; and members of ACT! for America, North Orange County Conservative Coalition and the local teabagger offshoot We Surround Them OC 912.


Cheering them on were nutbar Villa Park Councilwoman Deborah Pauly and Representatives Ed Royce (R-Fullerton) and Gary Miller (R-Diamond Bar).


"Let me tell you what's going on over there is pure, unadulterated evil," Pauly told the crowd as she pointed at the center. "And I don't care. ... I don't even care if you think I'm crazy anymore. I have a beautiful daughter. I have a wonderful 19-year-old son who is a U.S. Marine. In fact, I know quite a few Marines who would be happy to send these terrorists to an early meeting in paradise."


After he presumably climbed onto a wooden box to reach the microphone, Royce said, "A big part of the problem we face today is our children are taught in schools that every idea is right, and no one should criticize others' positions no matter how odious. And ... that's. ... What do we call it? We call it multiculturalism, and it has paralyzed too many of our fellow citizens to make the critical judgments we need to make to be a prosperous society."


"I'm proud of you," slickster Miller informed the blood-seeking crowd. "I'm proud of what you are doing."


Here is what they were doing, as CAIR sees it: "As the video shows, the rhetoric of the protesters became increasingly venomous toward the families and children who came to attend the ICNA fund-raising dinner."




The greatest danger to America is the kind of stupid intolerance in that clip.

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Saudi Arabia? What has that beacon freedom and democracy got to do with it, unless of course the USA is being compared to the dictatorial Saudi system, maybe you are right both have religious nutters in places of influence and both view their own system as the best in the world. Also both keep quiet when their citizens go around the world committing terrorist actions, the simmilarities never end.

If you have a video of stupid Saudis doing the same thing then please post it on here so we can compare the two otherwise we only have this evidence to decide Americans to be hypocritical idiots.


There are nutters on both sides, so are you saying things like that don't happen in muslim countries? Why does there appear to be more videos and threads about hate towards muslims rather than muslims demonising other cultures? This thread is a prime example, why was it posted?

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