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NASA finds alien life on meteorite

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While this story alone won't change the world in any way whatsoever, it does show we're certainly not the only life in the galaxy.




Will this ever change religious views or will aliens have to come to earth with their own beliefs to affect any change for the better here on earth?


I think things will only change when missionaries from Uranus come here to educate (translated: indoctrinate) us into their better world of a higher religion.

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The trouble with that story is they haven't really have they?


Best wait until its been confirmed positively rather than take "I'm convinced" from one scientist as proof. As Dr. David Marais says in the article "Thеѕе kinds οf claims hаνе bееn mаԁе before аnԁ found tο bе fаƖѕе."

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Hey. Don't shoot the messenger. I'm just posting the story.


I think, even when proved true, it still won't make a blind bit of difference to the world. It'll take a full scale invasion to shake people's faith.

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Starts reading the article .....


Dr. Richard B. Hoover, аn astrobiologist wіth NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center, hаѕ traveled tο remote areas іn Antarctica, Siberia, аnԁ Alaska, amongst others, fοr over ten years now, collecting аnԁ studying meteorites. Hе gave FoxNews.com ....Stops reading the article.

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Even then they'd claim they were "angels from god":hihi:.


But, they'd say: who is this God of which you speak? We abolished religion thousands of years ago in pursuit of higher intellectual goals...

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But, they'd say: who is this God of which you speak? We abolished religion thousands of years ago in pursuit of higher intellectual goals...


Or they'd simply shoot us:D.


Then eat us.

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