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NASA finds alien life on meteorite

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Starts reading the article .....


Dr. Richard B. Hoover, аn astrobiologist wіth NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center, hаѕ traveled tο remote areas іn Antarctica, Siberia, аnԁ Alaska, amongst others, fοr over ten years now, collecting аnԁ studying meteorites. Hе gave FoxNews.com ....Stops reading the article.


You're such a cynic. :roll:



I was reading in the Daily Mail the other day that.......ooops.

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Have you checked out "The Journal of Cosmology" ?


It's not exactly up there in the pantheon of peer reviews is it? It's purpose seems to be to draw extraordinary conclusions from minimal evidence.


There is probably a very talented but very naive scientist kicking himself right now for opening his gob.

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Most people are waiting for the arrival of the popularised image of intelligent humanoid aliens to come and visit in us space ships; anything less than that, if its some form of algae that is discovered under a rock on an asteroid somewhere, not many people will be that moved.

But for the more discerning amongst of us, having cast iron proof of any form of life (as we know it) existing in and originating from somewhere other than this planet, will be very profound indeed.

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Carbonaceous chondrites are known to contain amino acids, one of the key building blocks of life; but such molecules come in two mirror-image forms, called left-handed and right-handed. Only the left-handed version is used in Earthly life, but the samples in chondrites are always a 50/50 mix, which suggests they were formed abiotically.


As such, it's well established that even in the depths of space, chemistry moves in the direction of life forms; but there's no evidence (this article aside, if it's worthy of consideration) that it has made it all the way to life. It does rather suggest that life will turn out to be commonplace, though; if amino acids can be reached on a tiny lump of rock floating around at minus two hundred degrees, then it must be darn near a certainty that on any reasonably-sized, reasonably-warm planet, progress will continue all the way to DNA and life forms.

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While this story alone won't change the world in any way whatsoever, it does show we're certainly not the only life in the galaxy.




Will this ever change religious views or will aliens have to come to earth with their own beliefs to affect any change for the better here on earth?


I think things will only change when missionaries from Uranus come here to educate (translated: indoctrinate) us into their better world of a higher religion.


More immigrants :rant:

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