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SAS caught in Libya ?

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talking of libya did anybody see on the news today the fella going into the hospital with a great big UNEXPLODED anti tank grenade thingy sticking out of the back of his leg??

my god lol, thats harsh


and i think id be ushering him into the carpark NOT INTO the hospital lol

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well he couldn't could he, nobody was killed as the rebels are wanting freedom from Gadaffi's oppressive rule not to go on a murderous rampage. I still can't understand why they were armed to the teeth ?

the rebels want to gain freedom through there own means physically but with international help through diplomatic means not physical presence of a foreign force.

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I know enough facts to laugh my ass off - some dick in whitehall comes up with a stupid plan to re enact a film he saw at eton and a bunch of 'elite special forces' get caught by untrained rebels half a day later tee hee - let's start reading serious history books rather than old editions of the Eagle comic. thank god no one (including libyans) got killed and lets see the back of hague before someone does.

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I know enough facts to laugh my ass off - some dick in whitehall comes up with a stupid plan to re enact a film he saw at eton and a bunch of 'elite special forces' get caught by untrained rebels half a day later tee hee - let's start reading serious history books rather than old editions of the Eagle comic. thank god no one (including libyans) got killed and lets see the back of hague before someone does.


While I agree that some politicians obviously come up with stupid plans...


...I can't agree that anyone (including Libyans) being put in harms way is funny.



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The offical explanation stinks just like every the Goverment does !


Make contact with rebel is a <REMOVED> story for the masses to absorb !


Contact with the rebels was made by telephone as soon as they got caught !


Media ( Espicaly Arab reporterts ) have been embedded with rebels !

Why the hell send soldiers armed with bombs into the area?

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The offical explanation stinks just like every the Goverment does !


Make contact with rebel is a <REMOVED> story for the masses to absorb !


Contact with the rebels was made by telephone as soon as they got caught !


Media ( Espicaly Arab reporterts ) have been embedded with rebels !

Why the hell send soldiers armed with bombs into the area?


Trying to "rev-up" the reports again?


No-one has reported "bombs", what was reported was much more likely to simply be hand-grenades...


...but don't let let sense or logic get in the way of your rant.

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Here's what we should do with regards Libya:

1) Get our people out

2) Leave well alone


The government will never be able to make the right decision to suit everybody, even more difficult to appease the left. Any intervention and they're up in arms. Stand idly by like they want and then a massacre happens, they're also up in arms.


This isn't just a handful of protesters waving banners and placards anymore, it's pretty much going on for a civil war and we have no business in it, besides which it is unwanted even by the opposition there (probably until they start getting hammered).

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