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SAS caught in Libya ?

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It makes me laugh when people talk about 'nation states having legal right to defend themselves etc'...


Legality has nothing to do with war. All that matters, is how big your guns are (speaking figuratively), how good your propaganda machine is, how good your intelligence is, etc.


Labelling a military action as being 'legal' is I would think, more about appeasing the civilian population back home, than anything else.


Deception and mis-information is an essential part of warfare; top military brass (of any nation) are professional liars, and if they'er not; then they're not doing their job properly.


Is there any hard evidence the SAS are in Libya?


it hasn't been examined in the old bailey and proved beyond reasonable doubt - but it does appear to be true - we can either make our minds up based on information or make the conclusions they want us make based on the facts they feed to us eg, iraq was full of WMDs hidden under every bed and in every cupboard, ready and primed to obliterate our grannies in 45 minutes

the evidence that the SAS illegally entered(invaded?) libya and then got nicked by the very people they thought they were helping is pretty compelling isn't it?


when israeli assassins killed the palestinian in dubai , their response was 'prove it' surely we on SF are a bit better than that

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And if Gadaffi regains power what is the position for the west ?


as hamlet said, THAT is the question - the insurgents are donald ducked (the US has charged bradley manning with a capital offence for leaking documents - christ knows what gadaffi will do with those who have risen up in armed insurrection) but where does BP stand? or the countless brit companies supplying leg irons and anti personnel mines - actually, thinking about it, they should be ok

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as hamlet said, THAT is the question - the insurgents are donald ducked (the US has charged bradley manning with a capital offence for leaking documents - christ knows what gadaffi will do with those who have risen up in armed insurrection) but where does BP stand? or the countless brit companies supplying leg irons and anti personnel mines - actually, thinking about it, they should be ok




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hurrah! the SAS men and 2 MI6 agents (james bond and austin powers) are now safely on board HMS cumberland and bound for blighty - apparently they snook in like ninjas in the shadows, ( in a big F off helicopter in broad daylight) only to be high tailed back out again pronto with a tape of the conversation with our man in libya leaked to the press. william hague took time off from prancing down whitehall with his special advisor to say that attempts to link up with the rebels will continue.


you couldn't make it up.

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