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Stopping smoking Day 1.

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Bugger me its hard :(

Thats all.


I had a "stop smoking" day 15 yrs ago and I found out that the first 13 yrs are the worst but you have to hang on in there and berate every bugger who smokes close to you, kill the buggers. I remember walking past High Storrs School to find young girls smoking at the bus stop and the sweet smell of fresh tobacco smoke drove me "effin" nuts, althuogh the girls were attractive with short skirts and tight blouses I could have knocked them to the floor and pinched their fag, its rough man rough.

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4th day and not suffering any withdrawals.

Not had to nail the fridge or pantry shut, unfact lost a few pounds sinse ive stopped smoking.

The lungs are starting to clear in the morning and im not as chesty at night.

My word, i should have done this years ago!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I stopped when I was 55. Instead of smoking I developed a craving for toffee, chocolate, fresh cream eclairs etc. I put on 2 stone in 3 months but it didn't matter as I was only 9 stone to kick off with. Must have saved thousands of pounds over the last 13 years. Good luck.

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