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Fry 's chocolate spread.

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Boy, do I remember it! I've no idea how many pots I got through over the years. The last time I can clearly remember eating it was sometime in 1974. I was in the army and always took in some Chocolate Spread sarnies when I was Duty Driver and would you believe that on one occasion the Guard Commander also brought some in following my example. The only trouble is that he had Chocolate Spread and Daddies Sauce sandwiches!

I might have a look for the Waitrose product and check it out.

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  • 4 years later...

RJRB - yes, I do remember. It was in looking to see if by the faintest chance Fry's Chocolate Spread is available via some  on-line store that I arrived at this Internet discussion. Sadly, I see it isn't available anymore. They are right, the present pretenders to chocolate spread do not compare. So much of what was available and enjoyed when we were  kids is unobtainable now, or replaced by some higher profit, lower quality, pretend product. Another lost treat of my younger days was the Lyons Maid choc ice. Hey, and whatever happened to Jennings at School and Toytown and all those wonderful BBC radio Drama Repertory Company productions? Young minds have been retuned and self-servingly reprogrammed by various species of greedy forces hiding in the shadows, it seems to me. But I'm hoping that, while wearing my expensive, high quality, wellness bracelet, no harm can come to me.    

Edited by Bodley Fludes
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Good to see that the CFRFCS (Campaign For Real Fry’s Chocolate Spread) continues and has a worldwide following.

I used to make triple decker sandwiches for supper,and can still occasionally recollect the taste.

Perhaps they could resurrect their 5 boys as well.


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