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Are Barnsley folk as bad as the LibDems say!

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i think he may be a bit miffed about coming sixth


i worked in barnsley for many years and always found the people to be nice and decent, though they didn't see the joke when i humerously pointed out it was a suburb of sheffield.


i can understand some of their anger, like many industrial areas they suffered under thatcher's desire to refocus the economy but gained none of the benefits of doing that

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Barnsley people are somewhat strange. In a good way, it takes time for them to warm to you but if they do you'll need an operation to get rid of them. Its also quite interesting that on facebook Barnsley people write in a Barnsley accent. For Town they right tarn and so on. They are fiercely patriotic of the place. Its probably not justified to call them narrow minded racists, their first loyalty is to Barnsley.

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According to the Barnsley central Lib Dem candidate, Barnsley folk are narrow minded racists. Do you agree? And what will the Lib Dems say about Sheffield people if they get kicked out of office?


This is just a comment in the Hitler rag about a bunch of snobs who are throwing a tantrum about losing votes in Barnsley. Quite childish behaviour but then again, I expect it from people like that.

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Barnsley people are somewhat strange. In a good way, it takes time for them to warm to you but if they do you'll need an operation to get rid of them. Its also quite interesting that on facebook Barnsley people write in a Barnsley accent. For Town they right tarn and so on. They are fiercely patriotic of the place. Its probably not justified to call them narrow minded racists, their first loyalty is to Barnsley.


discodown one cannot be patriotic to a town, nor even a county.



pa·tri·ot·ic (ptr-tk)


Feeling, expressing, or inspired by love for one's country.

patri·oti·cal·ly adv.



god help anyone who has the lack of foresight or knowledge to move to Barnsley from elsewhere.:shakes:


Oh BTW the use of a lower case 'g' in the word god was purely intentional.

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But isn't that what some Sheffield people say about them all the time? I've seen some really nasty comments on here about Barnsley and its citizens in the past, by others who seem to have exactly the same opinions as those expressed in the article. Harking back to the events of yesteryear and being obsessed with Thatcher and Scargill, for example, happens on here all the time.


And now, because a LD candidate has more or less endorsed your own opinions about Barnsley people, you want to lambast him? Typical! :rolleyes:


Although, it's a foolish move to criticise the electorate, no matter what the provocation and no matter how exasperating they may be.

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But isn't that what some Sheffield people say about them all the time? I've seen some really nasty comments on here about Barnsley and its citizens in the past, by others who seem to have exactly the same opinions as those expressed in the article. Harking back to the events of yesteryear and being obsessed with Thatcher and Scargill, for example, happens on here all the time.


And now, because a LD candidate has more or less endorsed your own opinions about Barnsley people, you want to lambast him? Typical! :rolleyes:


Although, it's a foolish move to criticise the electorate, no matter what the provocation and no matter how exasperating they may be.


but again it was The Daily Mail who interviewed him.:roll:

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