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Are Barnsley folk as bad as the LibDems say!

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Right. So he wanted to represent these people in parliament yet a few days after the by-election he is speaking of them with utter contempt. They made the right decision not voting him in, how can you represent people you obviously utterly look down on and treat with total scorn?


Also re the scabs thing I have family who are from Nottingham and live in South Yorkshire and they do get called scabs sometimes but there isn't really any bitterness behind it anymore than there is to me being called a southern softie, it's just something people say but because he doesn't know the area he doesn't understand that. If he thinks there is honestly wide spread hatred in Barnsley for people from Nottingham who were nothing to do with the strike he's an idiot.


He might also have it pointed out to him that while he is accusing the people of Barnsley of being bigots they have actually voted in the most politically correct pro-immigration possible.


The blokes a fool and that article has done the Lib Dems no favours in South Yorkshire, you would at least think he would have had the sense to realise that before he shot his mouth off.

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The blokes a fool and that article has done the Lib Dems no favours in South Yorkshire, you would at least think he would have had the sense to realise that before he shot his mouth off.


i very much doubt there is anything the lib dems can do, short of disemboweling nick clegg on the town hall steps with a blunt teaspoon to save themselves from obliteration in the may elections in south yorkshire or anywhere else

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Guest sibon
i very much doubt there is anything the lib dems can do, short of disemboweling nick clegg on the town hall steps with a blunt teaspoon to save themselves from obliteration in the may elections in south yorkshire or anywhere else


That still wouldn't win my vote.


If they did Vince as well though....

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about time the lib dems got the message as a party they're done for and the tories who we all love in south yorkshire will drop em like an hot potato soon.


the tories can't drop them, if they did they would lose their majority in the commons and be out of power in a couple of months

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That's clearly not what he said.


He blamed the overwhelming defeat on the fact that everyone hates nick clegg, and on the fact that they see the government as a tory one, he even said as much pretty plainly near the beginning of the article.


"Opinion is divided as to what enrages people most.

Some think Clegg ‘despicable’, ‘wicked’ and ‘criminal’ for reneging on the tuition-fees pledge.

One woman rants at me for five minutes, breaking down in tears at the thought of her teenage children ‘being saddled with a lifetime of debt’.

Another volunteers: ‘You should be ashamed to come here and sell your poison to poor people like me.’

For others, it is ‘getting into bed with the Tories’ that is the greatest sin.

Barnsley folk –mostly cordial, reticent and keen to keep their own counsel – are the sons and daughters of men who toiled in the pits, lionised Arthur Scargill and fought through the bitter Miners’ Strike of 1984-85.

For them, there are few more hateful words in the English language than ‘Tory’ or ‘Conservative’.

‘Thatcher was worse than bloody Hitler,’ shouts one man. ‘Cameron and Clegg – I’d like to kill the pair of them,’ volunteers another. ‘Clegg dare not come here, there would be a lynch mob,’ echoes a passer-by.

Some Barnsley citizens view yellow rosettes as worse then blue ones.

Lib Dems are the enablers and facilitators of what they see as a purely Tory government, not a Coalition of two parties."


He's not playing the race card, he's blaming it on the fact that people in Barnsley see them as puppets for the tories and despise Nick Clegg for not living up to his promises.


It's in plain english, how did you miss it?


And yet you are unable to show where he said it, isn't that rather like sticking your fingers in your ears and saying 'I'm right' over and over?


It seems that you can't cope with a different opinion to your own. Have you got a better argument than the "fingers in the ears" stuff?

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It seems that you can't cope with a different opinion to your own. Have you got a better argument than the "fingers in the ears" stuff?


Well, yes. The other 200+ words of that post, which you have completely ignored.


Here it is again, this time without the part you decided to try and use to take refuge in offence. :rolleyes:


Well sorry if I annoyed you. I was equally annoyed that a LibDem parliamentary candidate should seek to evoke the race card in explaining his overwhelming defeat.


That's clearly not what he said.


He blamed the overwhelming defeat on the fact that everyone hates nick clegg, and on the fact that they see the government as a tory one, he even said as much pretty plainly near the beginning of the article.


"Opinion is divided as to what enrages people most.

Some think Clegg ‘despicable’, ‘wicked’ and ‘criminal’ for reneging on the tuition-fees pledge.

One woman rants at me for five minutes, breaking down in tears at the thought of her teenage children ‘being saddled with a lifetime of debt’.

Another volunteers: ‘You should be ashamed to come here and sell your poison to poor people like me.’

For others, it is ‘getting into bed with the Tories’ that is the greatest sin.

Barnsley folk –mostly cordial, reticent and keen to keep their own counsel – are the sons and daughters of men who toiled in the pits, lionised Arthur Scargill and fought through the bitter Miners’ Strike of 1984-85.

For them, there are few more hateful words in the English language than ‘Tory’ or ‘Conservative’.

‘Thatcher was worse than bloody Hitler,’ shouts one man. ‘Cameron and Clegg – I’d like to kill the pair of them,’ volunteers another. ‘Clegg dare not come here, there would be a lynch mob,’ echoes a passer-by.

Some Barnsley citizens view yellow rosettes as worse then blue ones.

Lib Dems are the enablers and facilitators of what they see as a purely Tory government, not a Coalition of two parties."


He's not playing the race card, he's blaming it on the fact that people in Barnsley see them as puppets for the tories and despise Nick Clegg for not living up to his promises.


It's in plain english, how did you miss it?

And for the record, while I did not quote him word for word, I think my description of what he said was very accurate.

And yet you are unable to show where he said it, you haven't even attempted to justify it, you've simply repeated yourself.

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No, that did not happen, the OP made that up.


Yep it's true. Me, Andrew Marr, The Mail on Sunday, the Mail's web site all made it up!


I think other people are capable of reading the link to the Mail's web site and drawing their own conclusions.


Which may, God forbid, be different to yours!

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