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Leading doctor warns that ConDem shakeup will put healthcare back to 1930's

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Powercuts, 3 day weeks


The three day week was the result of an interesting chain of consequences that had their root in inflation and higher oil prices (sound familiar?)


The three day week was brought about by the miners working to rule as a protest against the government capping wage increases in an effort to control rampant inflation prevalent at the time.


One of the main reasons for this high inflation was the oil shock of 1973, when oil prices quadrupled. The oil shock had its roots in both the US's support for Israel during the Yom-Kippur War and in oil production in the US having peaked in 1970, which meant that the US could no longer control oil prices by ramping up production (a fuller explantion can be found here).


Anyway, back to the plot. The NUM were working to rule, which meant that coal stocks were gradually diminishing. The price of coal was also being driven up by the effects of the oil crisis, making imported coal more expensive.


With negotiations with the NUM going nowhere, a three day week was introduced in December 1973 in an effort to conserve stocks of coal.


What lessons can we learn from this today? well none really, the time for learning lessons has sadly passed.


Lesson 1 would be "do not let inflation get started" because once it's in the system, it's the devil's own job to do something about it. Absurdly low interest rates and frenzied money printing to try and shore the whole sagging edifice of the UK economy up (QE) have only one logical outcome.


UK Inflation CPI 4%, RPI 5.1%, Real 6.6%, Pressure Building on Wage Price Spiral


Lesson 2 would be "don't be in hock to finite supplies of fossil fuels". With it looking very likely that Peak Oil is now in fact here, the prospects of making a smooth trasition to alternative energy sources is virtually nil.


And even if we do manage to keep the lights on using alternative energy, where are we going to get our plastic, artificial fertilizers and pesticides from? They all require oil for their production.


Interesting times.

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What's it got to do with you? You won't be affected by these cuts will you?

If you loved the UK so much (and NHS for that matter) you wouldn't be exiled in Austria, would you???



Why am I exiled in Austria?


I live in Bavaria.


Do you always get so worked up when people express an opinion which doesn't concur with your own?


Do you think there should be a rule which prohibits people who don't agree with you from posting on this forum?

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Powercuts, 3 day weeks (and only getting 3 day's pay), only the wealthy being able to afford further education.......I'm off to Spar to stockpile candles


You can't do that! (Shock :o Horror :o) that's speculating on necessities. - Hoarding!


Next thing, you'll be buying up toilet paper to make sure you're alright during the coming shortage.

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A leading Doctor has warned that the ConDems planned dismantling of parts of the NHS risks returning healthcare provision back to the grim and unfair days of the 1930s and 40s, one of Britain's leading doctors has warned.

See article below.






Do you think that £110,000,000,000/year is not enough for a country of 60,000,000 people?

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Yes, we had those too, from all the people who didn't like the taste of the medicine and thought that alone was good enough reason not to take it. Frankly it's amazing how many grown adults still have the logic processes of a six year old.


Oooh Maggie's Marvellous Medicine. Only trouble was, unless you drank it from a silver spoon, it tasted revolting.

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Yet more retro politics from U-Turn Cameron who seems to be steam rollering the UK back to the stoneage. Despite what he says, he would dearly love to privatise the NHS but he knows it will cost him votes and his time as PM.

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