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Smoking In Public? Is It A Heath Risk? Or Hype?

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Loads of them aren't and I never said smoking wasn't dangerous. But cigarette fumes aren't that toxic that one sniff of them will give you cancer.



Actually they might. Conversely, you could by lucky enough to sit in a smoke-filled room for eighty years and not get smoke-related cancer. It's a matter of probabilities, not certainties; keeping tobacco smoke out of the air reduces the probability of people getting cancer. (Removing the toxins from vehicle exhaust fumes does the same thing, which is why catalytic converters are now standard and lead is banned from petrol.)

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Ive never smoked never seen the sense in it hate the stinking habit,the smell of fag smoke makes me feel nauseous. before the ban on smoking in pubs when you got home you would have to change your clothes your hair would stink of it ,if you went for a meal in a nice restaurant the smoker would always sit next to us, smokers always hold the fags up and away from them self the smoke would seem waft away from there face and striate in to mine, I think it is a very hard habit to kick and the people who smoke must know the damage they are doing to there body's they must all live in denial they all seem to have a granny who smoked 50 woodbines a day and lived to be 99, its a free world so if people want to smoke its up to them the problem is when they blow it over me that gets me mad or when they stand in door ways you get blasted on your way in and out,

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Probably no risk but it's simple bad manners. Smoking and smokers stink. Sorry to say that but all smokers on here are like walking air fresheners in reverse with rotten breath. Having to share a lift with them at work coming back from their 'fag break' is a repulsive experience.

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