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So then this pancake day, how do you eat yours ..

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We have had a full pancake day today, after spotting this thread this morning (thanks for reminding me).


For lunch we had pancakes stuffed with salmon in white sauce, followed by sweet pancakes with orange and sugar, then for tea we had sweetcorn fritters followed by sweet pancakes with nutella and golden syrup :) Tomorrow I think we had better have a fasting day to get over the amount of calories we ate today!

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My husband who admittedly is from Stocksbridge says that you only have orange juice on pancakes! I have only ever had lemon juice or golden syrup. What is right please!!!!


Nobody from Stocksbridge has ever been right about anything ever. Apply this always and the answer will reveal itself

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I had a mix. I had one with cheese and onion, one with leftover chicken, one with just gravy, one with golden syrup and then.........wait for it........................ a grand nutella finale!!!

Wicked and amazing - its only once a year I eat them so why not

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I prepared a load last night, rolled each one around a dollop of a thick ragu-ish sort of sauce (mince, onions, chopped up sweet peppers, mushrooms, herbs and tomato puree and tinned tomato), and laid them out into a dish. Topped off with a bit of cheese sauce. It finishes up a bit like a lasagne. The whole thing is now in the oven, awaiting Mrs Eater Sundae and Miss Eater Sundae to come home. We'll have a bottle of red wine with it


It will be followed by freshly some freshly made ones, served with ice cream and maple syrup. (Possibly a bit of chopped up banana as well if we've got any in).


Little miss Sundae arrived home from Rainbows having stuffed herself with Pancakes with sugar. It didn't stop her having seconds of her main course after she got home, and she was still asking for more pudding when I ran out of the batter I'd made.

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