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New author, help needed.

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Hi all. I'm a new author, just been published December last year. My book has just gone for sale, and for now, it's only in eBook format, I need to sell 70 copies before I can go to print and reach a much wider audience.


I'd be extremely grateful for any of you who bought a copy.


You can find it on a website called dreamz-work.com It's called The Reaper and is under the name Jamie Woodhead. To get to it right away, in the search engine enter "The Reaper Jamie Woodhead" (minus quotation marks)


The price is in American dollars, but you can find this on Amazon as well, with a UK price.


Thanks in advance everyone, it really does mean a lot to me if any of you bought a copy.

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Hi Jamie


This should be in the writing section! Secondly, a quick copy from the book summary:


"Can Tobias really prevent innocent people from dying, all the while trying to work out just who Harvey White really is? One thing is for certain; the Angel of Death has never been more needed as he is now."


This is filled with basic mistakes and needs a SERIOUS edit. I hope the book reads more fluidly. I would recommend a lot more writing experience to polish up your style before going down the ebook path as you only get one chance to hook a reader. :)


If you wrote and edited this, be aware, you cannot edit your own work. It's just not possible.


Lastly, and not in any way concerning your work, but 9.99 dollars for an ebook. That's really pricey.

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Hi Jamie


This should be in the writing section! Secondly, a quick copy from the book summary:


"Can Tobias really prevent innocent people from dying, all the while trying to work out just who Harvey White really is? One thing is for certain; the Angel of Death has never been more needed as he is now."


This is filled with basic mistakes and needs a SERIOUS edit. I hope the book reads more fluidly. I would recommend a lot more writing experience to polish up your style before going down the ebook path as you only get one chance to hook a reader. :)


If you wrote and edited this, be aware, you cannot edit your own work. It's just not possible.


Lastly, and not in any way concerning your work, but 9.99 dollars for an ebook. That's really pricey.


It's all been professionally edited, including the summary. $9.99 is actually only around £7, which is a pretty good price for an ebook, as I've seen them going for around £13 or more. The book IS much better, yes. How do I post this in the writing section, do I copy paste it all?

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It's all been professionally edited, including the summary. $9.99 is actually only around £7, which is a pretty good price for an ebook, as I've seen them going for around £13 or more. The book IS much better, yes. How do I post this in the writing section, do I copy paste it all?


If this was professionally edited then you should go and get your money back or at least complain about the service you've received.


My gripe with ebooks, and this conversation been going around a great deal lately is that, as is clear here, you're paying full price for something with absolutely no guarantee of quality. It's a minefield of shabby quality.


That said, if your book is good, people will buy it!

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Oops! My bad, the summary hadn't been edited yet! ^^; It was written by me, and not edited as I thought. However, it has now been edited and looks much better. The only gripe I have with ebooks is that they're not real books.

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