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Advice on becoming a police officer

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At the moment you're very unlikely to find any police force that is recruiting, and it looks set on staying that way for the foreseeable future due to the spending reviews of the last 12 months.


That being said keep an eye on the police could you website, get yourself a couple of books on how to pass the selection tests etc and maybe look at becoming a special constable or a PCSO??

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Ah - easy reply - don't. They're not recruiting for the forseeable future, they are actually laying off officers (including community support officers) and current officers are about to be given a pay freeze, possible talk of pay cuts. Read the news - you'll read all about it. Not a good time to decide to apply!


You'd be better off gaining some life experience for a year or two, if you don't have it already - a job with plenty of public interaction.

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Are you sure this is the career you want to pursue. With all the cuts I would imagine it is going to be very hard to get in and once an officer is your job going to have job sercurity.

Do a course in personal protection and become a body gaurd much more fun to be had, far less paperwork and much more money.

PM me if you want details on the security course.

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If you are seriously looking you should definitely apply in the first instance to be a Special Constable, its the best way of finding out about what the Police actually do without going down the full route and then finding out it isn't for you. There's an application form on the South Yorkshire Police website. I looked into doing it but my unaided eyesight wasn't good enough to get in. As other's have said though, its pretty unlikely that any police force will be looking to recruit new paid officers any time in te near future, would expect more Specials will be recruited to fill the gaps.


Good luck!

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You will never make detective if you can't even investigate how to apply for the job.

If you are serious the first thing you will need to do is move off the Jordanthorpe.


No need for a reply like that. Why is moving off Jordanthorpe going to help, dosent matter where you are from as long as your dedicated and passionate about the job.


In reply to the OP, good luck, keep at it, its looking as if its going to be very difficult for the next few years, but if you want it bad enough you will get it.

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You will need to trawl through the websites of each individual force to see if they are recruiting or inviting applications - I'm afraid I doubt any of them are.


The few forces that I am aware of are not recruiting at all - they are filling any vacant officer posts with PCSO's and Special Constables who have passed the selection process. There's a large back log of these candidates, so they have no plans at present to re-open the recruitment process for the forseeable future.

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