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2011 census form - all discussion here please

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If I ever get my census form, I'll think about it...


Was there an option for 'no religion' on the last census form? Is that why people put Jedi, to signify that there should be an agnostic/atheist option? Given that Jedi is a fiction creation, surely no-one in government could have thought people were serious about that.





4th major religion of the UK! (I think)

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Think on before you do it, people.




If this campaign was being run by a religious group then it would be rightly laughed at.


By ticking ‘No Religion’, you will ensure that the Government receives an unambiguous message about the number of non-religious people in the UK. Any other response may be manipulated into a response in favour of religion and publically funded religious organisations.




In the 2001 Census, the results to the religion question were:

Christian: 70.0%

No religion: 14.7%

Chose not to respond: 7.8%

Muslim: 3.1%

Hindu: 2.1%

Jedi: 0.7%


I'm sure that extra 0.7% of people really altered the amount of money the Government chose to spend on faith schools and religious education.


Further more, when collating the data, common responses are allocated a code in order to group them - a full list can be found on page 18 of this document. Jedi Knight was allocated code 896. Here's the surrounding codes:

347 Church of All Religion

348 Animism

351 Realist

352 Free Church of Love

700 Other Religions

896 Jedi Knight

897 Heathen

898 Atheist

899 None


They quite clearly class anyone who specifies Jedi as their religion as being non religous.


So people, answer how you want. If you write nonsense, you'll be counted as non-religious.


Some atheists these days give the actual religions a bad name...

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It says fill it in on 27 March


And my light sabre should be delivered by the 26th. I already have the darth vader mask and attire, even though the voice converter doesn't work, my heavy smoking means I don't need it anyhow :thumbsup:

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Scottf - they should know this info from annual tax returns. They're snooping as usual, making sure they're getting every penny out of us.


I've read on teletext this morning that they might even ask questions of a sexual nature. Maybe they'll introduce a screw tax (pardon me, I couldn't resist).


This Labour government are nothing but overzealous control freaks.


Two fingers to them all.


We haven't got a labour government we have con/dems

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