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2011 census form - all discussion here please

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I'm completely in favour of the census. As some of the other posters have mentioned it will be very handy for people in the future to trace their family history (in the way that previous census have been for us). For hundreds of years it has helped geographers track the development of societies around the world and in the present day it helps with things like town planning, transport, economic strategy and any part of demographic planning. It is an exercise that gives us a snapshot of our nation, I will be extremely interested to see the results.

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I worked on the last 2 census so I know a lot of the arguments. my personal quibble is that on here as with most official documents I am not allowed to be english.there are plenty of other sub divisions for ethnicity. I can trace my famileis back to 1600 and all of them lived and died in england. note to the official--england is more than a football team!!


There are two relevant questions in the 2011 census, one of which you can specifically state you are English and not British. I've taken the liberty of answering for you:

15) How would you describe your national identity?

  • English

  • Welsh

  • Scottish

  • Northern Irish

  • British

  • Other


16) What is your ethnic group?


A. White

  • English / Welsh / Scottish / Northern Irish / British

  • Irish

  • Gypsy or Irish Traveller

  • Any other White background

B. Mixed / multiple ethnic groups

  • White and Black Caribbean

  • White and Black African

  • White and Asian

  • Any other Mixed / multiple ethnic background

C. Asian / Asian British

  • Indian

  • Pakistani

  • Bangladeshi

  • Chinese

  • Any other Asian background

D. Black / African / Caribbean / Black British

  • African

  • Caribbean

  • Any other Black / African / Caribbean background

E. Other ethnic group

  • Arab

  • Any other ethnic group

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That makes no more sense than putting your religion as "steam turbine engineer."


Neither does the governments need to know the religions of every single adult in England. So why not answer an idiotic question with an equally idiotic answer?


Would you prefer that they plan future transport policies without having the foggiest clue


It's worked in Sheffield like that for years:hihi:.


Have you heard of the doomsday book by any chance?


Which was commissioned by the ruling elite so that they could divvy up England amongst their "friends".

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Neither does the governments need to know the religions of every single adult in England.


It's a lot easier to decide whether or not a new Hindu temple is required when you already know the number of Hindus in a given area has doubled in the last ten years. Or halved, or whatever it may be...

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It's a lot easier to decide whether or not a new Hindu temple is required when you already know the number of Hindus in a given area has doubled in the last ten years. Or halved, or whatever it may be...


You don't need a census to gain information to allow new builds. That's why we have planning laws.

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Yes we need the census. It seems that many do not know why we have this and what uses it has. Education education LOL..., We also need much more such as compulsory names of fathers on birth certificates and proof of parentage. There are so many incestuous relationships now. I am told we are one of the worse in the western world for this. Little wonder there are so many dysfunctionals being born. If benefits were reused to single mums for not having a fathers name on the birth certificate I am sure they would put it on. This would also make it easier to make the father pay a share of the massive benefits received by single parents. Maybe this would be a problem for some families. One I know of the kids would have 6 differing surnames in the family.

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