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2011 census form - all discussion here please

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I don't mind filling out the sections that just ask for relatively basic info because it's all available elsewhere anyway. But why should I tell the government how I travel to work - what's it got to do with them??! :roll:


You can see the list of questions in a pdf downloadable from this page.


It will help to plan for the future when they learn your pony and trap need stabling,and where to station deposits of oats etc.

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There are two relevant questions in the 2011 census, one of which you can specifically state you are English and not British. I've taken the liberty of answering for you:

15) How would you describe your national identity?

  • English

  • Welsh

  • Scottish

  • Northern Irish

  • British

  • Other


16) What is your ethnic group?


A. White

  • English / Welsh / Scottish / Northern Irish / British

  • Irish

  • Gypsy or Irish Traveller

  • Any other White background

B. Mixed / multiple ethnic groups

  • White and Black Caribbean

  • White and Black African

  • White and Asian

  • Any other Mixed / multiple ethnic background

C. Asian / Asian British

  • Indian

  • Pakistani

  • Bangladeshi

  • Chinese

  • Any other Asian background

D. Black / African / Caribbean / Black British

  • African

  • Caribbean

  • Any other Black / African / Caribbean background

E. Other ethnic group

  • Arab

  • Any other ethnic group


I am glad that this has been addresed. on previous census this did not appear. I have not seen the new form.

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Neither does the governments need to know the religions of every single adult in England. So why not answer an idiotic question with an equally idiotic answer?




It's worked in Sheffield like that for years:hihi:.




Which was commissioned by the ruling elite so that they could divvy up England amongst their "friends".


You don't think that knowing the trends in the changes of stated religion might be useful when forming public policy? I can see how it might be, and that's just one question that you have an issue with.

There no reason for the data to be identifiable, but the data itself could have a myriad of uses within government.

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Yes we need the census. It seems that many do not know why we have this and what uses it has. Education education LOL...,


It's scary isn't it? There's a few sensible people and all the rest are either "ooh, it's the government, we mustn't trust them, why do want the information, they'll come round and rob us in our beds" or "I'm just going to tell lies on it fnrr,fnrr, aren't I hilarious?"

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It is Census day 2011 on 27th March and we will all be shortly recieving our census forms to complete or face the wrath of the UK government and fined. Do you agree or disagree with the Census and does it really help anyone and is it worth the cost of many millions of pounds?


In 100 years time, people will be interested to see where their great and great great grandparents were... That's all the 1911 census seems to be for these days anyways... Why not assist people with their geneology in future?

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To what possible end? That makes no more sense than putting your religion as "steam turbine engineer."


On the contrary, Jedi Knight is accepted by the UK census as a religion (link) The census code for Jedi Knight is 896.


If you can show me a link saying that steam turbine engineer is accepted by the UK census as a religion, and it's census category number, then I will conceede your point.

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