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Protest the cuts to our services before it is too late!

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A novel I was reading last night (what a luxury!) has this rather fitting passage:


(ex-US Chief of Staff character) "We were the clean-up crew. We had no choice but to shovel off the mess accumulated by the previous administration over 8 years and, believe you me, that was one tall mountain of ****"


The public sector does not generally create wealth, which therefore cannot be taxed, whereby the revenue paying for the public sector is ever-diminishing, unless the private sector keeps generating sufficient 'new' wealth and taxation proceeds to keep the balance up. Oh, and the private sector does not simply comprise 'banks', far from it.


Exact same principle as a household with revenues and outgoings/debts. It really is that simple. Whilst in power, Labour has spent in exactly the same way as too many households spent in the late 90s/early 00s: never-never money they hadn't earned, for luxuries they felt to be necessary but could ill afford.


It's all happened before in so many other countries (e.g. France, in 1980s under socialist rule), and was entirely predictable years and years ago.

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Yeah and the Bankers who caused it get off scott free!

'All in it together' what a joke.


You keep blaming the Bankers but who was it had the power to regulate the banking industry but just couldn't be bothered ? - not the last Labour govt. surely ? 13 years of lost opportunity by a bunch of numpties who got into power on a ticket of making life better for everybody but instead managed to make it a whole lot worse.


And the current bunch of numpties have no stomach for taking on the Bankers either, it matters not the colour of their rosettes, UK politicians are just a bunch of gutless whimps.

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You keep blaming the Bankers but who was it had the power to regulate the banking industry but just couldn't be bothered ? - not the last Labour govt. surely ? 13 years of lost opportunity by a bunch of numpties who got into power on a ticket of making life better for everybody but instead managed to make it a whole lot worse.


And the current bunch of numpties have no stomach for taking on the Bankers either, it matters not the colour of their rosettes, UK politicians are just a bunch of gutless whimps.



Who was it who dergulated the banks in the first place and had 18 years to sort it out?

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Maybe people don't pay attention because your notion of debt is ridiculous and is like working out all your grocery bills and outgoings over your life time and comparing it with your current bank balance.


The real picture is UK debt is far from exceptional, and only just over half the average level of debt we have had in the period 1688-2010, where it works out at 112% of GDP. Today it is about 60%, less than most Western Countries.




Its the deficit they are trying to cut, not the debt. The debt will increase over the lifetime of this government given they do not plan to run a surplus.

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What part of unaffordable don't you understand ? In the 'private sector', you lose your job if the company you work for can't cover it's costs, it's that simple, tough decisions being made but that's where we are as a country !


I work in the private sector, we've had 22,000 jobs go in the last 2 years, CEOs getting bonuses in the £millions, jobs going overseas. Really tough decisions, which, according to your argument, are being forced on us because we cannot cover our costs. Can you guess the sector in which I work?

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Who was it who dergulated the banks in the first place and had 18 years to sort it out?


Yeah that's the problem see, always someone elses fault eh, but we only want protest when it affects us, me, me, me, it's all about me !

I think the 'Thatcher' years made people more selfish, but who was bothered when thousands lost their jobs when coal and steel were hit ?

Let's face it protests in this country are never going to be like those in poorer countries, generally the only ones protesting will be those who face job losses, the anarchists and socialist worker cronies, and nothing's gonna change the facts that cuts need to be made.

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I know the bankers caused it, but the spineless Labour government happily stood by and let them, while everything was rosy in the garden ! No government in this country has the guts to pull the banking industry into line. However the public services have become too costly, the system is burdened and has not helped itself by not performing, despite millions upon millions of taxpayers money being pumped in.

The average working people of this country, who have not been afforded the comfort of security that many public service jobs have provided, have had to withstand the rising taxation and lower incomes for a long time now.

I know people in manufacturing who have gone through their working lives hounded by redundancy situations, lay offs, short time working, no pay rises and lower salaries. Sadly the time has come for the public sector to take a hit, and unfortunately there is no alternative, yours are not plausible !


Deregulation of the financial services industries started under Thatcher in the '80s remember 'big bang'. Yes Labour should have regulated the Banking sector much more rigourously, but it's alright right wingers criticising Labour's handling, do you imagine with their contempt for regulation, that the same thing wouldn't have happened if the Cons were in??? No I don't either.


I am one of those who has worked in manufacturing all my life and am very aquainted with the situation you describe. Just because many of us have spent our careers not knowing how long our jobs will last, I have no desire to see others put in this situation too! In any case people who worked in the public sector in the dark years of Tory rule will be able to identify all too well with the situation you have described for people in manufacturing.


If you were to fall ill and be unable to get the treatment you require by the NHS in time to come, will it really be of much comfort to you to know that the public sector now share the same job insecurities as we do!

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Yeah that's the problem see, always someone elses fault eh, but we only want protest when it affects us, me, me, me, it's all about me !

I think the 'Thatcher' years made people more selfish, but who was bothered when thousands lost their jobs when coal and steel were hit ?

Let's face it protests in this country are never going to be like those in poorer countries, generally the only ones protesting will be those who face job losses, the anarchists and socialist worker cronies, and nothing's gonna change the facts that cuts need to be made.




I know of several people including myself who does not fit into those categories you describe who'll be protesting against the Lib Dem liars tomorrow.

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