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Why dont men stop messing with our heads ??

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thanx guys,, ur comments have helped,, the fact that i love him and we have been together 3 years upsets me,,, i just wish i could be strrong and say,, ok and walk away,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, :(


Don't kick yourself to hard. Many women find it hard to walk away even when their having the crap beaten out of them.

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how come , when things are going ok ur fella suddenly announces ,," he needs time alone to sort his head out ",, whats all that about, ???????


Bit of a sweeping statement.


Some men may do this. Equally some women might...

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Maybe he needs exactly that and will come back sorted. Just don't beg and grovel. As for what men want - if they don't even know what chance have we got of understanding it?

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Maybe hes still in contact with an ex and realises he wants her and not you? maybe he realised he cant pretend hes not gay anymore? Maybe he has another woman on the go? maybe hes planning something romantic but needs space to do it? Or just maybe he might just want a break!!

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Yes, stop trying to get inside other people's heads. Sorry to sound blunt.


He is an individual, as are you. Many individuals prefer to sort their own problems out, regardless of whether or not they're in an intimate relationship. You should acknowledge and respect that. Getting all paranoid about "what it means" will only cause unneeded friction between you both when you attempt to confront him about it.


If he's anything like me, he'll just wish you would trust him, that he really does just need time alone to sort his head out. These could be very personal issues that even those closest to him are unable to help him resolve.


If the guy is an introvert like me, he'll just need some time to himself. Don't worry about it.


Couldn't have put it better myself.

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Why does everyone assume just because he wants time to think that he wants out?


I have two friends:


1. Her husband, a few months after they were married, need space to think. Six months later he was absolutely fine, he'd just gotten a bit freaked out by the finality of the marriage - they are very happily married with a gorgeous little girl.


2. My friend, after they got married, SHE needed some time to think because of all the pressure of the wedding, I believe. They'd been together 10 years before marrying too. She went back home, sorted herself out and THEY are still married with a beautiful 7-year old.


Don't think, just because he's done this, that he doesn't want you. Maybe he's even ready to take your relationship even further by saying he wants to spend the rest of his life with you but needs to just make sure that he's completely doing the right thing.


I'm totally aware that two scenarios don't outway the others where the person is wanting out, but it IS possible.

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Honestly not knowing your bf or your relationship its impossible to say what's going on but i can tell you its not just you and maybe its not a bad thing.


At the start of our relationship my bf left twice, both times when things seemed ok to me. The first time he only lasted a couple of hours and came back saying he'd made a mistake etc the second time he also regreted it in a day or so but it was about 2 weeks till we got back together as i had to make sure he understood he couldn't keep doing that.


Neither time did i do anything to stop him going but i did leave it open for him to talk if he wanted.


Anyway the point it after talking a lot it turned out that he was just scared about being in a proper relationship and really did need to just think things through.


We've been together 3 years now, live together are trying for a baby and talking about getting married so its not always a dreadfull sign if people want time to think its not always code for i don't want to be with you.

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