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Neighbourhood Watched tonight- the future

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bbc 1 now, even worse than gypsy weddings. also typical unfortunately of what appears to be happening around uk and in sheffield with regard to asbo quality neighbours turning up inbetween nice decent people, due to being given priority housing thro their own circumstances. young girl with 2 kids currently trying to kill her elderly neighbours with stress and typical council housing association types asking her to sign acceptable behaviour contracts etc etc :rolleyes:

what a waste of space these people are, why give her housing in the first instance? ruined her neighbours lives within minutes of moving in, all funded by benefits

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bbc 1 now, even worse than gypsy weddings. also typical unfortunately of what appears to be happening around uk and in sheffield with regard to asbo quality neighbours turning up inbetween nice decent people, due to being given priority housing thro their own circumstances. young girl with 2 kids currently trying to kill her elderly neighbours with stress and typical council housing association types asking her to sign acceptable behaviour contracts etc etc :rolleyes:

what a waste of space these people are, why give her housing in the first instance? ruined her neighbours lives within minutes of moving in, all funded by benefits


Did you watch the whole programme?


One of the girls was prosecuted and, although did not get a custodial sentence, her housing association property was taken from her and her children.


The other girl improved her behaviour but has lapsed again, so they are taking steps to take the property from her.


So, I actually think the Housing Association showed they do actually have powers and do use them.

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Did you watch the whole programme?


One of the girls was prosecuted and, although did not get a custodial sentence, her housing association property was taken from her and her children.


The other girl improved her behaviour but has lapsed again, so they are taking steps to take the property from her.


So, I actually think the Housing Association showed they do actually have powers and do use them.


point being they gave her a newish nice house in the first instance, purely because she was about 18 with 2 young kids. she jumped the list, and was placed inbetween decent (older) people. it was always 100% cast iron guaranteed she would rub them up and cause problems. why was she given it in the first place?

the housing assoc then spent months, and thousands of pounds spying on her with surveilance cameras, sending teams round with behavioural contracts, and finally going to court to evict her. a VAST waste of time, money and personnel.

wrong in every respect, it should have never even started.

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These people? who are 'these people?'


Where do you propose they live?


Adolf Hitler often said "these people" when he was refering to the JOOS


sorry, i should have been clearer, "these people" meant the thick stupid scum that were shown in the programme, who cannot live normal decent lives, but can very able breed, claim benefits, get drunk, smoke, have parties day and night but not actually manage to work or provide anything back to me as a tax payer. and yes, i would, given the chance, exterminate them, after sufficient time to improve their ways.

sorry if that offends you but i dont give a s**t. :)


edited to add, as a more generous gesture, if extermination is considered a step too far by some nimbys, then maybe a floating prison out at sea could be built to house "these people".

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point being they gave her a newish nice house in the first instance, purely because she was about 18 with 2 young kids. she jumped the list, and was placed inbetween decent (older) people. it was always 100% cast iron guaranteed she would rub them up and cause problems. why was she given it in the first place?

the housing assoc then spent months, and thousands of pounds spying on her with surveilance cameras, sending teams round with behavioural contracts, and finally going to court to evict her. a VAST waste of time, money and personnel.

wrong in every respect, it should have never even started.


What was wrong, was not that they were giving a young single mum and her children an opportunity to have decent living conditions, even if in-between older residents (which could have been a good thing, if personalities were different) but that sufficient checks had not been made regarding the application in the first instance, or the housing association concerned would have realised that the same girl was using a different name on her application for housing in the first place, had multiple applications, under different names, and had already had run ins with the housing association, hence her application was completely and utterly fraudulent. It makes you wonder how incompetent they really are....

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