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Are you a do gooder?

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Are you a do gooder? Let's hear about all the positive and amazing things that we do, no matter how small they might seem to you.


What do you do for your family, friends, community, school, neighbors, work colleagues, or even strangers and people you will never meet.


i didnt blame the old person stood next to me when i farted in lift

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Ive snitched on a senior member of management constantly bullying a younger member of staff, always making her feel small she goes home at night and crys, the thing is the main manager and area manager were unaware of this untill I said something on monday, as it happens the young lady in question decided to report it herself today, which is brave cos she only been here a couple of months the older lady is well established and well liked.


I will not tolerate bullying its wrong, no one should be made to feel worthless and degraded.


by the way I witnessed these incidents, its been escalating for a few weeks, yes, maybe should have said something sooner, but I didnt.


I myself am no doubt going to feel the wrath of the lady concerned (she's like that) but if she wants a fight bring it on.

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Surely a better question would be "why aren't you a do gooder?". Alternatively, "if you're not a do gooder are you are a do badder or a do nothinger?".


Incidentally, is Tony the new slimsid, starting all these questioning threads without proffering his own opinion?

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