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Who's gonna stop me smoking cannabis??

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I'm as drunk as you are dyslexic, smoke less and make more sense it's pickled your brain.

Must be all that tobacco you smoke it with you should try ice.


I prefer using tobacco thanks!


And if you are as drunk as I am dyslexic then you should see a doctor!

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Funny taking the mick out of a dyslexic person isn't it! Are you drunk?


Why cant dyslexia be laughed it-Ken Dodd was teased at school for this and no-one is laughing at him now!It is a conditon not a handicap and can be a spur to creatity-John Elton was a dyslexic when called Dredge White

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Cannabis is naturally occurring substance that can act as a relaxant and mild hallucinogenic.


When smoked, the effects are usually felt fairly quickly with people feeling more relaxed, happy and generally laid back.


Strong cannabis can also lead to pointless giggling, loss of inhibitions and an enhanced appreciation of music and colours.


Marijuana has also been reported to ease the pain, nausea and vomiting in advanced stages of cancer, AIDS and other serious illnesses.


I ca't see anything wrong with the above!

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Cannabis is naturally occurring substance that can act as a relaxant and mild hallucinogenic.


When smoked, the effects are usually felt fairly quickly with people feeling more relaxed, happy and generally laid back.


Strong cannabis can also lead to pointless giggling, loss of inhibitions and an enhanced appreciation of music and colours.


Marijuana has also been reported to ease the pain, nausea and vomiting in advanced stages of cancer, AIDS and other serious illnesses.


I ca't see anything wrong with the above!


Neither can I.

Add MS sufferers can benefit.

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Not quite sure why Bonzo started this thread, seems a but pointless and I don't think anyone would try and stop him smoking. Plenty of people havesmoked/do smoke cannabis and live normal lives, from all walks of life. I've never met anyone who decided they should started a thread shouting about it.


Apart from that, I don't see a problem with it. Most people who DO tend to be misinformed and have no personal experience of it. Many site alcohol as being the only drug they need, with no dangers involved. Clearly they've never had to deal with the devastating effects of alcoholism or even binge-drinking when it goes wrong.


I have had much experience of cannabis and know plenty of smokers, out of all of the ones I know, there is only one who is paranoid. He has a very stressfull life at home and at work and uses cannabis as an escape. Although I don't believe cannabis to be the cause of his paranoia I think it might contribute, using it in this way.


In short, (IMO) If you already have problems, you shouldn't use ANY drugs (inc. booze) as an escape. If you are a mentally stable person NOT looking for an escape from your problems, go ahead and knock yerself out, whatever your poison.


The only thing I dislike about it is the harmful effects of the smoke itself on your lungs.

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Not quite sure why Bonzo started this thread, seems a but pointless and I don't think anyone would try and stop him smoking. Plenty of people havesmoked/do smoke cannabis and live normal lives, from all walks of life. I've never met anyone who decided they should started a thread shouting about it.


Apart from that, I don't see a problem with it. Most people who DO tend to be misinformed and have no personal experience of it. Many site alcohol as being the only drug they need, with no dangers involved. Clearly they've never had to deal with the devastating effects of alcoholism or even binge-drinking when it goes wrong.


I have had much experience of cannabis and know plenty of smokers, out of all of the ones I know, there is only one who is paranoid. He has a very stressfull life at home and at work and uses cannabis as an escape. Although I don't believe cannabis to be the cause of his paranoia I think it might contribute, using it in this way.


In short, (IMO) If you already have problems, you shouldn't use ANY drugs (inc. booze) as an escape. If you are a mentally stable person NOT looking for an escape from your problems, go ahead and knock yerself out, whatever your poison.


The only thing I dislike about it is the harmful effects of the smoke itself on your lungs.


I don't think this is true, surely most people have some personal experience of cannabis, from smoking it at school to having a family member who smokes, it's not exactly uncommon.

Although as soon as you voice your dislike of cannabis everyone automatically assumes you've no experience with it.

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I don't think this is true, surely most people have some personal experience of cannabis, from smoking it at school to having a family member who smokes, it's not exactly uncommon.

Although as soon as you voice your dislike of cannabis everyone automatically assumes you've no experience with it.


Just going from my own experience with people. The worst I've ever heard anyone (who HAS tried it) say about it is that it makes them tired so they don't like it. Everyone I've met who says it's bad and causes mental illness etc, admits they've never tried it.

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Learn to read and write again?!?!


I'm sorry, but if your friend let himself get that bad he he has anoy got himself to blame!


Drinking affects me balance, I like to drink, but not so much that I need to learn to walk again!


I was stating a fact, that is what happened to him.

Apportioning blame isn't what was required in a reply, of course it was his fault he caned the stuff for decades.


It should be legal but be warned there are side affects for mis-use as there is for most substances we take, legally or illegally.

If anyone wants to use it then it becomes a personal choice.

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