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Mums or Dads killing their children?

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I keep reading things in newspapers or on tv about relationship breakdowns etc,

BUT then one of the parents ends up killing there children and then sometimes there self etc


Why/how could any parent do this ? i just cant understand why would any parent be over the edge to do something like that .

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Most people would agree that it takes a fair degree of insanity to decide to kill your own children. Insofar as they can be said to be rational at all, the reasoning appears to most often be one of two things; either because they've lost custody or visiting rights, and decide "if I can't have them then nobody can," or else because they want to completely destroy everything that has anything to do with a previous relationship - including any children born of it.

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Most people would agree that it takes a fair degree of insanity to decide to kill your own children. Insofar as they can be said to be rational at all, the reasoning appears to most often be one of two things; either because they've lost custody or visiting rights, and decide "if I can't have them then nobody can," or else because they want to completely destroy everything that has anything to do with a previous relationship - including any children born of it.


or a perverse desire to inflict the most horrendous pain imaginable on the other parent?

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It could be that, too.


I'm reminded of a conversation in one of Terry Pratchett's books where they are discussing the motive of a multiple murderer - which goes something like,


"Is he insane?"

"That would appear to be the case."

"But why does he do it?"

"That is only a relevant question if he is sane. He may be doing it because a little yellow pixie told him to."

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It's such an aberrant and extreme act, I can understand why people try to understand it by viewing it as an act of madness. However, it has nothing to do with insanity, it's a controlled and deliberate act designed to punish and cause unbearable pain to the other parent. The people who choose to commit infanticide may not feel or think the same way about it as the rest of us do but they are far from insane.

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It's such an aberrant and extreme act, I can understand why people try to understand it by viewing it as an act of madness. However, it has nothing to do with insanity, it's a controlled and deliberate act designed to punish and cause unbearable pain to the other parent. The people who choose to commit infanticide may not feel or think the same way about it as the rest of us do but they are far from insane.


Is that your medical or legal opinion?

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I suppose we'll find out why they do it soon enough... in two recent cases, the parents' post-murder suicide-attempts failed, so I suppose we'll be treated to an interesting interrogation or two.x
We never really found out why the man who jumped off the balcony at their holiday hotel with his two little kids did it, did we?


IIRC he managed to persuade the resident shrink that he was insane and was returned to this country after being in a mental hospital for a while. Not sure what happened to him after that?


We have to think they're insane for our own peace of mind, because it's such an unbelievable thing for a loving parent to do, but perhaps they're merely selfish to the extreme?

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Sorry Rubes, I don't know the latest about that one where the dad jumped - did that really happen all the way back in 2006??


However, the one with Theresa Riggi (the mother that jumped in Scotland) is currently at trial, so it's in the news at present:




Riggi told a hospital chaplain after the killings: "I want to be with my babies. I'm not meant to be here. I'm meant to be with my babies."


She was also heard speaking to her mother and saying that she had been saved for a reason and her "babies" were being looked after by God.


"She stated that she had a second chance and God had saved her in order to make her husband pay for what he did," said Mr Prentice.




Donald Findlay QC, defending, said a report into his client's mental state identified she was suffering narcissistic, paranoid and hysterical personality disorders.



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