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Motorist attacks cyclists because he felt threatened

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If you watch the video in its entirety you will know that the cyclist and the bus driver had been arguing at traffic lights before the incident due to the bus driver cutting up the cyclist earlier. This obviously led to the attack on the cyclist.

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Its still not relevant-sorry:)


You are trying to excuse this behaviour-why?


Please point to where I have excused his behaviour. Maybe it was this...


"He should have got a far longer", or this...

"He's an idiot and deserves far more than 17 months in jail", or this...

"he didn't deserve to be mown down"...


Or maybe, just maybe your having trouble differentiating between my calling the cyclist an idiot for riding like an idiot and any criticism of the cyclist meaning I hate all cyclists and think he deserved it.



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Please point to where I have excused his behaviour. Maybe it was this...


"He should have got a far longer", or this...

"He's an idiot and deserves far more than 17 months in jail", or this...

"he didn't deserve to be mown down"...


Or maybe, just maybe your having trouble differentiating between my calling the cyclist an idiot for riding like an idiot and any criticism of the cyclist meaning I hate all cyclists and think he deserved it.




You are excusing the behaviour in the same way as you would be by telling a rape victim her skirt was too short.


The cyclist wasn't behaving like an idiot but even if he was its irrelevant.

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He should have got a far longer.

I also think the cyclist was riding like an ignorant **** on the roundabout. The bus driver indicated in plenty of time to switch lanes and move into a gap, the cyclist ignored this and closed the gap between himself and the car in front and tried to overtake the bus. He then lost his rag and inflamed the situation.

We have here a case, IMO, of a cyclist being an idiot and causing a confrontation which resulted in the bus driver being an even bigger idiot.




Here is where you have been excusing it. Someone who drives the public around for a living has taken the concious decision to aim his bus at a cyclist with the sole aim of injuring him, and you are saying "well the cyclist should have let the bus in 5 mins earlier"


(paraphrasing, just to be clear!)

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It's perfectly relevant to the point that the cyclist was riding like an idiot on the roundabout. Which was my point.




Look again. The cyclist is in lane, in primary position, has the right of way and is travelling faster than the bus. The bus driver would have seen this before making his manoeuvre but still barges in.


I appreciate that you might not see it like this but when you've a few cycling miles under your belt you'll realise that it's common behaviour from motorists who just don't consider / see anything on two wheels, especially if they are bigger and are used to subconsciously bullying their way around the roads. Drivers often don't even realise the mortal peril that they are putting other people in.


Trust us on this one. The bus driver was wrong on the roundabout, he should have slowed down. The cyclist did nothing wrong.


Clearly the cyclist ramped it up by challenging the driver afterwards (he may have been trying to deliberately put his face onto the bus CCTV?) but that doesn't even begin to excuse what followed.


There are no positive outcomes from deliberately driving into a cyclist at speed - the bus driver should have gone down for attempted murder. I've had motorists try it with me and yes, they too should go down for attempted murder.

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Here is where you have been excusing it. Someone who drives the public around for a living has taken the concious decision to aim his bus at a cyclist with the sole aim of injuring him, and you are saying "well the cyclist should have let the bus in 5 mins earlier"


(paraphrasing, just to be clear!)


Clearly you do not know what excusing someone actions means.


Me saying the cyclist was an idiot does not excuse the bus drivers actions.

My saying the cyclist forced a confrontation does not mean I excuse the bus drivers actions.

Me pointing out the cyclist is an idiot is relevant to the point that the cyclist is an idiot and has absolutely no bearing on whether or not I think the bus drivers actions were justified, which for about the gazillionth time I don't.


In case you missed it here are several instances of the cyclist being an idiot.


Trying to overtake a bus on a roundabout, presumably because he didn't want to be held up by 5 seconds.

The cyclist banging on the back of the bus.

The cyclist parking his bike in front of the bus, 'flicking' the wipers and haranguing the driver.


Of course, if you think these aren't the actions of an idiot then I'm happy to stand corrected.



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Clearly you do not know what excusing someone actions means.


Me saying the cyclist was an idiot does not excuse the bus drivers actions.

My saying the cyclist forced a confrontation does not mean I excuse the bus drivers actions.

Me pointing out the cyclist is an idiot is relevant to the point that the cyclist is an idiot and has absolutely no bearing on whether or not I think the bus drivers actions were justified, which for about the gazillionth time I don't.


In case you missed it here are several instances of the cyclist being an idiot.


Trying to overtake a bus on a roundabout, presumably because he didn't want to be held up by 5 seconds.

The cyclist banging on the back of the bus.

The cyclist parking his bike in front of the bus, 'flicking' the wipers and haranguing the driver.


Of course, if you think these aren't the actions of an idiot then I'm happy to stand corrected.




I'm not saying he should have been arguing with the bus driving although it may have been excusable, I am saying it is totally and utterly irrlevant.


You can pretend you weren't excusing the bus drivers actions if you want but I am sure it's clear to everyone that if you weren't you wouldn't have bought it up.


I don't understand why you are having a go at the cyclist who stayed in his own lane? The bus driver should have waited no matter how long he was indicating for.

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