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Looking for Ronald Charlesworth


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Hi so your grandad was called Clifford and his brother is called Ronald which is my grandad, if u want anymore information leave me a message. My grandad sons are called Ronald and Gordon there was another brother called Michael and sister called Irene, your grandad lived at wordsworth ave.

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Hi, is your dad Ronald or Gordon? (Young) Ron, as he was known, who must be about 80 now was my mums nephew and the last i heard of him he was living at Pitsmoor, although I understand he and Elsie don't live there any more. Ronald and Gordon were a little younger than me but we used to play together as kids when they visited us at Hackenthorpe and they were very good natured boys. I think Gordon joined the fire service.

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Hi Helen and Jan,


I have just decided to come back to searching my family history and came across your replies.


Yes my grandad is Clifford Charlesworth and my mum is Marguerite Charlesworth she is the youngest of 8 children and they did live on Wordsworth Avenue. 2 of her brothers Tony and John both emigrated to Australia. Sadly John died in 2005 of Leukemia.


If you have any more information please get in touch.





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Hi, just wondering what happened to your mum's other siblings - Christine, Louis, Julia, Kathleen and Marie. I last saw them when my grandma and grandad (John and Beattie) died sometime in the 60's.


Helen, I would love to know also how Ron and Elsie and Ronald and Gordon are, if they are still alive. I think I read somewhere on here that Ron and Elsie live at Southey now.

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My other auntie and uncles are all still living in Sheffield - they are all well apart from Marie who is currently battling with Pancreatic Cancer.


What is your name and I will mention you to my mum - I'm sure she will remember you.


If you have any more info on the Charlesworth family I would be really grateful.





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There were 3 kids in our family, me(Jan), Gill and Reg. My mum was Irene and was your grandad's sister. Your mum probably won't remember me as she was still very young when I last saw her. However, Kathleen, Marie and Julia were a similar age to me.

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Hi Jan,


I will let her know - we actually live next door to Marie so I will see her later too so I will mention you to her aswell.


Is your mum still alive? - I know she was born about 8 years after my grandad.


I would love to see pictures if you have any of your grandparents - my mum hasn't got any so I have never seen them.





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I think your grandad was a lot older than my mum. She was born in 1925, when her mum was in her forties and was only 65 when she died. I know she used to look after her brother Ron's children when she was 7 or 8 but Ron was older than Cliff. I have one of two photos of my grandad and grandma - your great grandad - so if you let me know where to send them I can copy them for you along with a few other photos of Irene, Ron's daughter and anyone else who might be of interest to you.

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Hi Jan,


That would be fantastic. I will PM my address to you so that you can forward them to me.


Did you ever speak to your Grandad about his parents? I know my mum said that it wasn't something which was really spoken about.

I'm guessing that his mother Eliza wasn't a part of his life as she seems to disappear after his birth in 1865.


Any more info on this would be great.





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  • 1 year later...

Hi my dad is called Gordon Clifford Charlesworth he has a sister called Irene who still lives on Prescott road there's also Michael and Ronald who both sadly passed my dad's brother the late Ronald was married to Elsie who had two sons called Ronald and Gordon sadly Gordon passed away a couple of years ago does this information help in any way

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