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Cyclists and road rage..

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Aside from all that crap being totally unnecessary, you know what the main reason is that all that hasn't been introduced already, and never will be? Its because relatively few people cycle on a regular basis, and even fewer would do if all those needless draconian regulations were brought in.

I passed my cycling proficiency at school which must make me some kind of an expert on the matter;)

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Thats right if you read the original post I was actually making excuses for cyclists then cylone arrogantly questioned my driving ability,obvious cyclist,so I thought why noy lets paint the arrogant rroad users in their tue colours ..all cyclists should be made to take a road theory test,a practical riding test.be insured,be taxed(they use the same roads I do) and have their bicycles bi-monthly tested


Are you sure you don't mean accurately, after all, you can't cope with looking for lorries and cycles on a busy road, it's just too much for you.

Taxed, at a zero rate, what a waste of the countries money. :loopy:


Edit - I should add, obvious cyclists, motorist and pedestrian would be correct, presumably unlike yourself who feels qualified to comment on a type of road use you haven't tried since you were at school doing the proficiency training?

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so when a cyclist is undertaking me,where he shouldnt be,and I have to swerve because 90 % they are wobbling like good uns,and hit a pedestrian who may be on a central reservation then Im at fault..And when Im on a nice clear but narrow road I have to brake suddenly because the two idiot cyclists have chosen that moment to decide to ride two abreast at 10 mph ,Im at fault, most cyclists think they own the road and they have precedence over motor vehicles ,even if that were true you dont argue with a ton of car sat exposed on a flimsy steel frame,there is too much traffic nowadays to make cycling safe ,the average motorist has enough on their plate watching out for other large vehicles never mind cyclists who seem to flount every traffic law in existence,the number I see riding about at night without lights amazes me.They should at least be insured how many time when undertaking have they taken paint of expensive cars will probably never be revealed


The worrying thing is, I don't even think this is a spoof post. Although it could easily qualify as one.


And to answer someone else who asked the question, I'm a cyclist who gets annoyed at the bad habits of some cyclists I see. But the real issue (because of the thousands of deaths and serious injuries every year) is with those who pilot a tonne or two of steel around and think it gives them exclusive rights to the road. Even worse are those who break the law doing it, because they're a danger to everyone. Including other motorists and their families, who may be on foot nearby for example.


For clarity:


I am a pedestrian. I am a cyclist. I am a driver. I am a public transport user.


I will be doing three out of the above four today. And I won't be breaking any rules, because I'm capable of using my legs, bike and car without the need to be a scofflaw.

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The worrying thing is, I don't even think this is a spoof post. Although it could easily qualify as one.


And to answer someone else who asked the question, I'm a cyclist who gets annoyed at the bad habits of some cyclists I see. But the real issue (because of the thousands of deaths and serious injuries avery year) is with those who pilot a tonne or two of steel around and think it gives them exclusive rights to the road. Even worse are those who break the law doing it, because they're a danger to everyone. Including other motorists and their families, who may be on foot nearby for example.


For clarity:


I am a pedestrian. I am a cyclist. I am a driver. I am a public transport user.


I will be doing three out of the above four today. And I won't be breaking any rules, because I'm capable of using my legs, bike and car without the need to be a scofflaw.


Your musings about Glamrocker are sadly correct, I think. He actually does mean it.


An excellent and well - written post, with which I wholeheartedly agree.

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Your musings about Glamrocker are sadly correct, I think. He actually does mean it.


An excellent and well - written post, with which I wholeheartedly agree.

As Delboy would say..Halibut, what a plonka...do you believe everything you read..Cyclone any relation to you ?

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Are you saying that we shouldn't believe what you've written? Is liar appropriate?


Halibut's earlier point was that having passed a cycling proficiency test years ago doesn't make you an expert, your claim is unfounded, you'd only be lying if you made the claim whilst knowing it wasn't true, rather than being mistaken.


I'm worried that you live in S6, you might be overwhelmed by the amount of traffic and run me down or into me one day, please stop driving.

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I’ve seen a few documentaries/news stories on cyclists being harassed/verbally abused/assaulted by angry drivers who seem to be offended at having to share their space on the road with someone else, especially a cyclist. Seeing the head cam footage of some of the stuff has been scary and quite rightly, the assailants have been up in court.


However my question is this:


Do some cyclists bring it on themselves?


This isn’t a question designed to stir up anger (but I fear it will anyway) but through discussions with friends and family and personal experience I have noticed some worrying behaviour from cyclists.


Take this morning for example, I was approaching a T-junction and had stopped at the “Stop” sign (not a giveway sign) and there was a line of 4 cars approaching when a cyclist appeared from behind me and carried straight on through the stop sign without appearing to slow down. Now the speed he was travelling caused him to ride into the middle of the road meaning the line of cars had to brake unnecessarily…


Last weekend I was out in the Peak District and the number of cyclists who ride two even 3 abreast is unbelievable. I know there are probably more bikes than cars on the roads up there at weekends but cyclists should not be riding like this anywhere!


Finally and perhaps worst was an example given to me by a friend is of a guy on a bike who ran a red light and was hit by a car coming through a set of lights at 90 degrees to him. Thankfully no one was injured but the cyclist had the cheek to blame the car driver despite running the red light. I have seen cyclists show a blatant disregard for red lights all to often, as I’m sure many of you have.


This isn’t to say that cyclists are demons and most of them do seem to take their safety into account at all times but when things do go wrong everyone is quick to blame the driver when in actual fact it isn’t always that simple.



Any thoughts?

Why other than to set up rants against cyclists are you asking such a ridiculous question? Does anyone maintain than cyclists unlike everyone else on the planet are all perfect and never do anything unwise or illegal?


Of course some cyclists act in a dangerous and annoying manner, just as some motorists and pedestrians do. This doesn't change or justify the fact that unlike many places in Europe cyclists in the UK get little consideration and all to often hostility from a not insubstantial proportion motorists who make cycling far less pleasant and more dangerous than need be.

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