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Cyclists and road rage..

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Are you saying that we shouldn't believe what you've written? Is liar appropriate?


Halibut's earlier point was that having passed a cycling proficiency test years ago doesn't make you an expert, your claim is unfounded, you'd only be lying if you made the claim whilst knowing it wasn't true, rather than being mistaken.


I'm worried that you live in S6, you might be overwhelmed by the amount of traffic and run me down or into me one day, please stop driving.

It was sarcasm ,seemingly lost on you, I bet your a great one to have on a night out..bye

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I sit fairly neutral on the whole cyclist vs car driver argument, but there are changes needed. Most cyclists ride carefully and with consideration, and good for them for keeping in shape and saving a bit of fossil fuel - can't knock them at all.


But, some cyclists are a pain with aggressive filtering, swing into the road to pass parked cars without looking over their shoulder to see the car that had to brake hard to avoid their unsignalled manoeuvre, creep through lights on red and generally ignore road signs (I've seen 4 or 5 cases of that just this week in Sheffield), and ride with either little consideration for other road users, or little understanding at least.


Cyclists can and do cause accidents, and they more than anybody are at risk when those accidents happen. I’m not sure about there being a mandatory proficiency test for people to ride on public roads, but they should have some form of 3rd party liability insurance and perhaps that would be much reduced if they had a proficiency certificate. A cyclist can go a whole lot faster than somebody on a restricted 50cc moped, but can’t slow down as quickly and can cause plenty of havoc if irresponsible.

If we insist on the moped being insured, why not the bicycle?

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Fairly neutral, presumably a driver, but not able to anticipate a cyclists moving out to overtake a parked vehicle... Would you expect the car in front of you to indicate before making the same maneuver? Would you have actually indicated yourself, both to overtake the cyclists, and the parked car? Would you normally expect to overtake a vehicle that is itself about to overtake? Or do you expect a cyclist to cycle straight into this obstruction.


Seriously, as a driver, what are you thinking when you complain about a cyclists moving out to pass a parked car???


The other behaviour, things that are actually wrong, I agree, it gives cyclists a bad name, but if you've got nothing against cyclists then it just go to show how little thought some drivers have given to the issue!


A moped weighs more than a person, at least 100kg probably. Combine that with the rider and you've got 180kg, moving at 30 mph. Your average cyclist never hits 30mph and in total weighs about 90kg, half the weight of the rider/moped combination. They are far less likely to injure anyone or to cause any significant damage to another vehicle.

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Cyclists can and do cause accidents,


Not usually, it's very rare, you'd be hard pushed to find many examples, and I'm surprised you don't know how to overtake cyclists properly, you should leave the same room as for a car so your lack of anticipation is worrying.

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But, some cyclists are a pain with aggressive filtering, swing into the road to pass parked cars without looking over their shoulder to see the car that had to brake hard to avoid their unsignalled manoeuvre


I rarely see any car going round a parked vehicle make any kind of signal.

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cyclist annoy drivers because some of them obstruct people from getting places i find that cyclists in sheffield like 60mph roads this is what drivers find annoying when we have to do 10mph if that behind someone who doesn't give a crap about car drivers and the most annoying are the ones that dont wear any protective gear and then when they wear full black an dget knocke off they moan like hell to insurance companies and also one thing is this slogan 'the zero emmision option' which i find to be a load of ollocks because they dont make any but the drivers they force to slow down and cause more in low gears, i was on the A61 westwood new road near the jet at high green and there was 1 cyclist not keeping to side and he made a fuel lorry, about 15 cars, 4 vans and a few small lorrys all slow down this would have put emmisions up stupid amounts, to stop annoying drivers they need to stop at red lights and avoid roads where they can't get anywhere near the speed limit, sheffield is stupid enough for traffic in a morning we dont need cyclists holding it up even more because most drivers including myself like to exercise the right of 'the national speed limit'!

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cyclist annoy drivers because some of them obstruct people from getting places i find that cyclists in sheffield like 60mph roads this is what drivers find annoying when we have to do 10mph if that behind someone who doesn't give a crap about car drivers and the most annoying are the ones that dont wear any protective gear and then when they wear full black an dget knocke off they moan like hell to insurance companies and also one thing is this slogan 'the zero emmision option' which i find to be a load of ollocks because they dont make any but the drivers they force to slow down and cause more in low gears, i was on the A61 westwood new road near the jet at high green and there was 1 cyclist not keeping to side and he made a fuel lorry, about 15 cars, 4 vans and a few small lorrys all slow down this would have put emmisions up stupid amounts, to stop annoying drivers they need to stop at red lights and avoid roads where they can't get anywhere near the speed limit, sheffield is stupid enough for traffic in a morning we dont need cyclists holding it up even more because most drivers including myself like to exercise the right of 'the national speed limit'!


Read up thread, you may become better informed...


Yet somehow, despite all that, the pushbike is faster in a morning.


Makes you think. Doesn't it?


I checked my bike computer the other day for my commute, and my average speed that day was 20 mph...:cool:


It's usually about 17 or 18mph on commutes by bike for me.

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