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Cyclists and road rage..

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Here's a question for you to ponder; If cyclists used their cars rather than bikes during the rush hour would there be:


a. More room on the roads.

b. Less room on the roads.


Please show your working.


Think I managed to annoy some people which isn't what I was going for. It's just my oppinion and I know it isn't shared by many that cyclists should not be on the roads at peak times. Neither should farm equipment and heavy machinery I work in a different location most days of the week and the massive amount of time taken up waiting behind cyclists and the like makes a real difference. I don't see why myself and the people I work with should be held up by slow moving traffic on public highways!


In answer to your question I would say that there would be less room on the roads but that traffic would flow much quicker!

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Just how massive is this

massive amount of time taken up waiting behind cyclists and the like


makes a real difference.

It sounds like the real difference is between your ears but if you can quantify it the floor is yours.

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I don't exaclty how you would like me to quantify it as I have never had the pleasure of a trip anywhere without being stuck behind someone on two wheels. The only example I can think of is that travelling down the wicker this morning at 30mph, came up behind a cyclist where it wasnt safe to pass them so I was then stuck doing 5mph. Surely you can equate this reduction in speed to an overall increase in the time my journey took?

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You could quantify it in seconds, minutes, hours or days. Alternatively you could quantify it in pounds and pence.


Please, go right ahead and quantify the delays that cyclists cause you.


How or why would I quanitfy it accurately in time without having a day without delays to compare it to?

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Hmm, you seem to be struggling. It can't me much if you haven't noticed.


Let's try another tack then. Can you quantify how other vehicles hold you up by comparison? How long do you spend behind cars and buses and lorries?

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Hmm, you seem to be struggling.


Let's try another tack then. Can you quantify how other vehicles hold you up by comparison? How long do you spend behind cars and buses and lorries?


I've never counted have you? However I know that I am not usually stuck behind a car doing 5 miles an hour witha que of traffic behind them.

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I don't mind hanging back for bikes so I don't even think about it, but apparently you do so it seems fair to ask just how much of an impact it has on your life.


Any ideas?


It has a negative impact, delays me getting to work, delays the people I work and for.


I think you are taking this rather personally babycakes...relax! I bet you are one of those angry cyclists who looks so very annoyed when people over take them.

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