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Cyclists and road rage..

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Yeah, precisely; self reflection's fun, isn't it?





I couldn't possibly answer that question properly without knowing the precise reason that any particular vehicle is on the road at that precise moment in time. Factors like, how far it's travelled, where it needs to be and for what reason and so on.


As a simplistic response, however, I guess it depends on your definition of fair. If you think making somebody work antisocial hours so that you can have five minutes longer in bed is fair then, possibly, and assuming no other logistical factors, yes. What do you think?


I'm not bothered about extra time in bed but delays are not necessarily 5 minutes. I was 20 minutes late to Leeds General Infirmary yesterday as I was stuck behind a massive piece of farm equipment for that time. That isn't fair I doubt that the machinery had travelled very far (unless it had set of days in advance) and without sounding pompous am sure my journey was more important.

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Roughly, although...picture this. The cyclist wasn't there so I didn't slow down and went through before the lights changed from green with that set of lights and the next as there was no cyclists to go past me at the lights. By the time reached work I might have been half an hour earlier than usual and a lot happier benefiting everyone!


Seems highly unlikely to be honest. If you missed one cycle on the traffic lights (unlikely as you were going to be sat in a queue) then the overall impact would probably just be... the duration of one cycle of the lights, it might get slightly worse, if the traffic is building up, but to suggest 30 minutes is ridiculous.


Now are you claiming that you are often delayed a few seconds by a cyclist and that this then causes you to miss a cycle of the traffic lights, where there was no queue that would have stopped you anyway?

I think you might be exaggerating somewhat!

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Seems highly unlikely to be honest. If you missed one cycle on the traffic lights (unlikely as you were going to be sat in a queue) then the overall impact would probably just be... the duration of one cycle of the lights, it might get slightly worse, if the traffic is building up, but to suggest 30 minutes is ridiculous.


Now are you claiming that you are often delayed a few seconds by a cyclist and that this then causes you to miss a cycle of the traffic lights, where there was no queue that would have stopped you anyway?

I think you might be exaggerating somewhat!


I can admit when I'm exagerating (ask ym girlfriend) and hlaf an hour difference on a 45 minute drive could be a bit extreme. IT will be more like 5 or at the very most ten minutes. But having this delay every single day is just annoying me.

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You also seem quite upset by one mans oppinion?


I have seen cyclists unaware turn in to traffic. I was in my friends care when a cyclist under took her at a round about where she was turning left and he ended up on the bonnet.

Yeah, some cyclists make mistakes, I expect you've seen drivers make mistakes as well.


I travel a lot with work and in many other countries there are properly segregated lanes for cyclists often going through the city by a different route to that taken by cars.

That's nice, but it's not necessary.


Again its just my oppinion, it annoys me that people have to wait because of some fool either unaware or selfish to allow traffic past. As I said my oppinion of cyclists is mirrored by that of people driving heavy machinery at 8 in the morning!


Opinions that are unsupported by evidence or reality annoy me a bit. I'm not upset by it though. We all know that cyclists don't hold you up at all, we know that because we're also motorists, in the past I've driven 30k miles a year, currently I get the train, and until a few months ago I cycled to the city centre every day.


Maybe once you've actually tried out cycling you'll be in a better position to comment.

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I'm not bothered about extra time in bed but delays are not necessarily 5 minutes. I was 20 minutes late to Leeds General Infirmary yesterday as I was stuck behind a massive piece of farm equipment for that time. That isn't fair I doubt that the machinery had travelled very far (unless it had set of days in advance) and without sounding pompous am sure my journey was more important.


Because the person driving it wasn't required to get it to some specific location at a specific time?


If your journeys were that important, you'd have blue lights. As you don't we can only assume that you're no more important than someone needing to get their tractor to their field to earn their living.

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Yeah, some cyclists make mistakes, I expect you've seen drivers make mistakes as well.

That's nice, but it's not necessary.


Opinions that are unsupported by evidence or reality annoy me a bit. I'm not upset by it though. We all know that cyclists don't hold you up at all, we know that because we're also motorists, in the past I've driven 30k miles a year, currently I get the train, and until a few months ago I cycled to the city centre every day.


Maybe once you've actually tried out cycling you'll be in a better position to comment.


I do cycle but wouldn't use it to get to and from work.

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Because the person driving it wasn't required to get it to some specific location at a specific time?


If your journeys were that important, you'd have blue lights. As you don't we can only assume that you're no more important than someone needing to get their tractor to their field to earn their living.


I would strongly disagree with that but even if I didn't need to be somewhere I think it unfair that someone using a slow moving vehicle chooses the time of day with the most cars on the road to move the bloody thing!

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I would strongly disagree with that but even if I didn't need to be somewhere I think it unfair that someone using a slow moving vehicle chooses the time of day with the most cars on the road to move the bloody thing!


It could be argued that this is the exactly most sensible and considerate time to use a slow-moving vehicle. If traffic is slow-moving anyway, then someone driving their tractor (or cycling and hypothetically causing some kind of hold-up) is going to make very little difference. If they chose a quiet time then it would make a much bigger difference to the journey of whoever happened to also be on the road.

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What is your obsession about between my ears?


I am genuinely shocked that it takes you 35-40 minutes to reach Rotherham as that is roughly what it takes me, which makes no sense. If thats true I think we should put you in the 2012 olympics!


It's only 11 miles and I'm no Olympian. It's your car that's your problem old lad, not the pushbike that's in front of you and going faster.

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