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Cyclists and road rage..

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I have to make an admission, I just drove my car for a round trip of about 1 mile.


Admittedly it was to the car wash and I couldn't work out how to get the car clean by cycling there... But there's me, contributing to congestion and not getting fit.

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I think most non cyclists are jealous too. I've experienced drivers being inappropriately nasty towards cyclists purely through jealously.


The drivers I've seen having a go are usually either smoking or fat, and they wish they were on a bike, keeping fit, saving money but ultimately they are too fat or lazy to do it.


I do both, drive and cycle so not really bias either way.


I got shouted at by a group of school kids (with a teacher I think), they shouted "show off" at me:loopy: I was cycling not particularly fast as Im not fast and I was going up hill. I can only conclude their parents are fat and lazy!:hihi:

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Makes sense when you think about it, cyclists don't have the protection of a steel cage so the consequences of a collision will be more serious than a scratched bumper.


Doesn't that mean that cyclists should avoid taking dangerous risks e.g. jumping red lights, failing to use appropriate lights at night, because they are risking much worse damage/injuries?

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Doesn't that mean that cyclists should avoid taking dangerous risks e.g. jumping red lights, failing to use appropriate lights at night, because they are risking much worse damage/injuries?


Risky behaviour by cyclists is rarely a cause of accidents. It's usually the driver's fault.

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Doesn't that mean that cyclists should avoid taking dangerous risks e.g. jumping red lights, failing to use appropriate lights at night, because they are risking much worse damage/injuries?


I also agree with this - but I don't know why it is seen as something which particular cyclists should avoid. I rarely see a cyclist do the latter and I regularly see cars doing the former.

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I do think MrTrigger is getting a bit of a harsh grilling for his comments. But I do think it comes down to this - I get to work and back quicker by going by bike. I would do so even quicker if there weren't any cars on the roads.


I do actually stop at red lights and when they turn green I'll be prepared and ready to go. More often than not if there's a car in front of me they'll have switched into neutral and will be having a daydream, perhaps moaning about cyclists, sending a text etc. and won't notice straight away when the lights change. Yet despite this slowing down the journey of me and the drivers behind me, I don't think they therefore shouldn't be on the road at this time, or should have their own segregated area in order to do their dawdling.


Likewise, I have been involved in two accidents as a cyclist - one with a bus and one with a pedestrian. In both cases, by their own admission, the other party was at fault. But I still think it's worth buses and pedestrians being allowed out at rush hour.

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