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Cyclists and road rage..

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We'd all like it if the roads flowed better, but most of us don't think we're more important than other road users.


Don't be so sensitive flower, I'm not forcing you to take a car to work. I thought I had responded with a rational argument if not then that's your oppinion. It's not like I have said anything childish such as I hope it rains on your way home...

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I do think MrTrigger is getting a bit of a harsh grilling for his comments. But I do think it comes down to this - I get to work and back quicker by going by bike. I would do so even quicker if there weren't any cars on the roads.


I do actually stop at red lights and when they turn green I'll be prepared and ready to go. More often than not if there's a car in front of me they'll have switched into neutral and will be having a daydream, perhaps moaning about cyclists, sending a text etc. and won't notice straight away when the lights change. Yet despite this slowing down the journey of me and the drivers behind me, I don't think they therefore shouldn't be on the road at this time, or should have their own segregated area in order to do their dawdling.


Likewise, I have been involved in two accidents as a cyclist - one with a bus and one with a pedestrian. In both cases, by their own admission, the other party was at fault. But I still think it's worth buses and pedestrians being allowed out at rush hour.



I agree completely there should be another lane for those that dawdle!

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I have to make an admission, I just drove my car for a round trip of about 1 mile.


Admittedly it was to the car wash and I couldn't work out how to get the car clean by cycling there... But there's me, contributing to congestion and not getting fit.


Get a bucket, sponge and some car washing fluid to use at home in future :rant:


No seriously, thats what I do now ;)

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I'm saying that I don't think there should be. I'd really prefer that they didn't, but they have a right to be there.


I was only joking matt relax...I dont think there should be a lane for dawdlers, it would probably just get full of cyclists and farm equipment! :hihi:

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With cyclists the best thing to do is to pull alongside and throw an egg at them.


The other day we pulled up at the side of a cyclist at the lights and threw a bag of flour at a cyclist :hihi::hihi::hihi:


You should have seen the cyclist's reaction.


Some people can't take a joke:huh:

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Get a bucket, sponge and some car washing fluid to use at home in future :rant:


No seriously, thats what I do now ;)


I don't have a 2 hour long lunch break, it took about 20 mins to do it at the jet wash, it's a matter of convenience.

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Don't be so sensitive flower, I'm not forcing you to take a car to work. I thought I had responded with a rational argument if not then that's your oppinion. It's not like I have said anything childish such as I hope it rains on your way home...

You think that feeling more important than other road users is a rational argument?


I'm working at home anyway, I said that I used my bike for the previous 6 months when I worked in the city centre, now I either use the train or my study.

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You think that feeling more important than other road users is a rational argument?


I'm working at home anyway, I said that I used my bike for the previous 6 months when I worked in the city centre, now I either use the train or my study.


That wasn't the crux of my argument but yeah I do on occasion feel more important when in the bigger scheme of things i'm porbably not.

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