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Cyclists and road rage..

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Has everyone quite finished climbing up on their soap boxes? You cyclists are the most sensitive group of people! You wont believe me about that either has I hav no statistics to back up my argument.


This obsession with statistics is a little ridiculous I was expressing an oppinion not putting forward a white paper. I would obviously love to spend my time researching the number of accidents involving cyclists etc however that has nothing to do with my field of medicine and as such people might get a bit fed up.


Hope you all enjoyed your ride to work in the sun this morning...


I think the people who have obsessed with statistics are themselves merely expressing an opinion that opinions should be held up to scrutiny. I'd imagine with your medical background you would prefer that people's opinions are held up to scrutiny, including statistical scrutiny. For instance, a patient's opinion on whether snake oil or proven medicine is the best way to manage their illness. I'm pretty sure that people don't mind you having an opinion, but are just suggesting that it might be wrong.


I did enjoy my ride to work thanks. Hope yours wasn't too much of an ordeal. :)

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Let it go I don't like cyclists on the road but I don't actively try and knock them off. Think we are jsut covering old ground again.


I didn't appreciate the bicycle pump through the bedroom window this morning either!


Can I have that back now, and the brick please :D


Oh, and you're a cyclist as well... :suspect:

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Can I have that back now, and the brick please :D


Oh, and you're a cyclist as well... :suspect:


I am and needed a new pump thank you. However and again this is just my oppinion (although I'm sure no one will have a go over this one) I don't take my bike on the road often at all I prefer going out in the country or somewhere like Clumber Park etc.


With regard to Matt's comment I know how usefull stastics can be. But do people honestly think I have produced a study on cyclists compared to accidents and delays? Or could they just think of no counter argument but wanted something to say so asked me for statistics?

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There is no counter argument. The facts that any cyclist knows are that cars hold up bikes, not the other way around.


Why don't you ride to Clumber?


Two potential reasons, I'll let you chose which:


1- I don't want to hold up traffic!


2- I'd have a heart attack long before I got out of Sheffield!

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Two potential reasons, I'll let you chose which:


1- I don't want to hold up traffic!


2- I'd have a heart attack long before I got out of Sheffield!


Cycle ten miles a day and you have fitness levels of someone ten years younger.



Unless you're ten.

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Two potential reasons, I'll let you chose which:


1- I don't want to hold up traffic!


2- I'd have a heart attack long before I got out of Sheffield!


Maybe we could solve 1) by revoking the license of anyone unable to safely overtake a bike within a reasonable length of time.


2) will be solved by cycling regularly, although maybe not to clumber if you're as unfit as you suggest.

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