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What Is Your Morning Ritual?

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Monday & Tuesday


Wake up mid-morning

Decide eventually to get up

Get washed

Don't bother getting dressed

Have something to eat

Watch TV

spend time on computer and SF

Watch more TV

Have more food

More TV and more computer

Then bed!!


Wed - Thurs


Wake up to Chris Evans at 6.45

Go back to sleep!

Finally get up around 7.15

Have shower

do hair

get dressed

have breakfast (usually porridge)

Talk to other half on phone (he works away Mon - Fri)

leave house about 8.30

Drive to work

Get to work about 9.00am

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  • 1 month later...

how come I missed this :o


alarm goes off at 6.45am or woken up by the dawn chorus of birds up stannington


stagger downstairs in me snuggly pink dressing gown, get some breakfast (usually fruit or toast) and a cupper

sit eating breakfast watching Place In the Sun to make me feel a bit summery


do my dry body brushing- get in shower, do hair, makeup and get dressed


then sort out the washing/ tidy house


out the door!!

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1. Wake up

2. Start Bath running

3. Nip downstairs and put bacon and sliced tomatoes under grill

4. Have bath

5. Nip downstairs and put bread in toaster

6. Combine scoff at 3. above with scoff at 5. above

7. Have said breakfast

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Mines changed:


Alarm goes off at 6:10

Put daybreak on loud enough so I don't fall back to sleep

Start moving about 6:20

Wash, brush teeth, have a wee.

Sit cross legged on my bed with the covers wrapped round me whilst I sort my hair and face out.

Pick out the smartest, least creased clothes to wear to work.

Drive to work, arrive about 7.

Have a cup of tea, a piece of fruit, a yogurt and a go ahead bar.

About 3 hours later, I actually wake up!

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