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Chapeltown's high rise flats

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I did,nt see it but I remember my uncles talking about. It was around about the time they were bulding the three story houses at Woolly Wood , there was a massive earth mover terracing the hill behind one of the part built blocks when it toppled over and demolished the end two units. Luckily there was no one in them at the time.

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An old mate of mine has the demolition of the flats,originally on cine film now on DVD,

Il ask him if he'll let me have a copy,




that would be VERY interesting to see, would you be able to upload it or do another copy??

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An old mate of mine has the demolition of the flats,originally on cine film now on DVD,

Il ask him if he'll let me have a copy,




I'd love to see that too. Do you think you could put it on YouTube for us please? :)


I lived on Habershon from birth to being three and a half, and remember the flats quite well.

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Il ask the mate on Thursday,I may have to edit it as its raw footage :)

if I can get it Il upload it,




that would be most excellent SV500!! I grew up in Chap so these flats were a big childhood memory for me


I am currently uplaoding lots of pictures and rare Sheffield footage on you tube at the moment just incase it gets lost or damaged as you never know, once its gone its lost forever

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