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Is Satan really a bad person?

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1. For this one we first have to assume (whether you be religious, atheist or other) that the Christian God exists and that Satan exists, so just go with it if you want to contribute.


2. If this thread starts to offend you or your beliefs in any way, you should probably stop reading it




According to christianity, most folklore and media, Satan is a very bad guy. But is he really?



Imagine 2 friends: Gordon and Sam. Gordon is older and stronger than Sam but they are still friends


Gordon has big plans for a project he's been building


Sam looks up to Gordon and aspires to be like him


It gets a bit competitive


Gordon bosses all his younger friends about, saying that they must do this and that


Gordon and Sam fall out and gang up with their other friends, taking sides


Gordon is still stronger than Sam and kicks him out of the playpark


Gordon makes sure that everybody badmouths Sam in the neighbourhood, for all eternity. He even gets some men to write it down in a book he is currently dictating.



- Does that mean that Sam is a bad person? or that he just wanted to be like Gordon? Or was he sick of Gordon and just wouldn't be bossed about?


I used Gordon and Sam as examples because I don't know the exact story details of God and Satan, but In all my reading I haven't found any reason that Satan should actually be regarded as bad (prior to him being cast out of heaven, after which point is is forever painted darkly in literature due to God being in charge of what is written in the bible).


Is Satan REALLY a bad person? if so, why?


Not sure, but I love this way of talking about things.


For example:


Imagine this guy. He's super ugly and smells like hammers. He goes on a local forum and starts a post on a religious subject viewed from an unusual, controversial perspective. His podgy, sweaty hands are pounding on the keyboard like frantic hamsters escaping a marauding lion, but wait, the lion is all a dream, a dream in the mind of a hamster that is actually a fat person's hand. Is this guy a doo-doo head? Yes. Yes he is.

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You don't even know me so why speculate. " Behind thee Satan ", are you gay ?.:suspect:


Nowt wrong with being happy !:)


I added "Behind thee, Satan!" to my location after Grahame/Agbus called me Satanic for merely questioning why we should think Satan is bad. It was his last resort after he couldn't come up with a better reason than "He just is!!!"


Obviously taken from "Get thee behind me, Satan" off of the bible :D

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  • 3 months later...
*mentions something about necroposting*...




But, he's black, what other reason do they need?


Well, I COULD have started a new thread about it, but I don't think it would have that much interest, this thread was already on a similar subject and I really wanted to ask about the thing with people believing Obama is the Anti-Christ because it baffles me! I was hoping one of the state-side members might be able to cast some light.

From what I have read, some claim that the bible foretold of the Anti-Christ appearing in the guise of Obama. I can't find anything in there like this.

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