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Is Satan really a bad person?

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So you don't believe that we should have free will?


What sort of Draconian society do you think we should have then?


In your sort of society you wouldn't be able to express your views on a forum would you? You wouldn'y be allowed the free will to do so.


Don't waste your breath, he has invented his own world in which we are all sinners except him and he is on crusade to rescue from sin all the infidels and he's doing it via SF:help::love::love:

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So you don't believe that we should have free will?


What sort of Draconian society do you think we should have then?


In your sort of society you wouldn't be able to express your views on a forum would you? You wouldn'y be allowed the free will to do so.


Free will is fine, but along with free will goes responsibility which people on here are rejecting.


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Now there we are you see, you said you have a moral code but when push comes to shove you will kill a baby, you don't appear to see anything wrong with sleeping around, and you don't think killing a pedestrian is evil!


So much for a moral code.


that's a great twist, there, Grahame.


There is no 100% black, or 100% white when it comes to termination.


If a woman feels "painted into a corner" for whatever reason, and sees the only option open to her being a termination, who are you to judge?


Who set you up as arbiter to point the finger at the teenager who has been raped? Ditto the woman forced to choose between her own life and that of her baby? Ditto (2) about the woman carrying a baby who is suffering from a condition incompatible with life?


Please don't pontificate on a subject you will never, in this life, or the next, have cause to deal with.

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The point being people do them which proves how wicked mankind is.


Again, you try the same old cop outs.


The point is, some people do evil things, which proves how evil some people are.


Or, if we use your own logic, the WBC are true representatives of christianity.


The proof is the number of Christians today.


How many non-christians are there?


Proof that you're making things up.


What sort of Draconian society do you think we should have then?


In your sort of society you wouldn't be able to express your views on a forum would you? You wouldn'y be allowed the free will to do so.


On another (now long gone thread) he was advocating financial penalties on countries that didn't follow the teachings of jesus (irony at it's best - or maybe that should be worst):loopy:.


So if you have no complaints with the real law, you cannot complain about the Bible which is very similar.


The bible does not think rape is wrong, nor slavery.


The bible does think that homosexuality is wrong.


The biblical laws have little in common with what we know as "the law" (other than the blindingly obvious - and even then, some of the biblical "laws" are pretty retarded).

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if satan and god are such enemies, why would satan do gods work by punishing those who do not follow gods rules?


That is making a lot of assumptions.


so the book of Job, in the bible, where satan is permitted to plague Job, is not plain enough for you. Grahame??

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Free will is fine, but along with free will goes responsibility which people on here are rejecting.


No, we're not rejecting it, we're using free will to expose single issue fanatics who aren't even able to argue their case logically.

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