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Is Satan really a bad person?

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But in Greek mythology, they don't have a heaven and hell do they? didn't they believe that all the dead went to Hades? (I don't know for sure)


In Greek Mythology, Hades was an Underworld, where all the dead dwelt after death. there were no separate places for good or bad per se.


Sheol, the Hebrew, means the grave or the pit. again, there is no differentiation between good and bad, all dead people go there.


In New testament terminology, and in Islam, there is the concept of

Gehenna (Heb) or Jannah(arab) (loose translation "Paradise" or "Garden") Jahannam(Arab) is translated as Hell

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Thats people, you know human beings, not OLD NICK, SATAN, THE DEVIL. Can't you separate fantasy from reality. There are evil people but, Grahame my friend some of them call themselves christians. Not all evil people are atheists:D:love::love:


That's not fair. Graham was agreeing with me about people doing evil acts purely because they're evil!

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hades is the greek god of the underworld. i can only assume you are trying to say that the word "grave" in english translates to "tartarus" from the ancient greek as this was the closest the greeks had to our modern day hell, however you have gone well beyond assumption to the realm of make-believe here. there is no correlation between the words.

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I'm talking about murder and rape and a host of other things which are against the law of God.


you'll find that Murder and rape etc are against the laws of most societies, whether modern or ancient, Christian, any other religion, or secular.

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The proof is the number of Christians today.


that's a ludicrous statement.


the proof could be the number of people who put "Jedi" as their religion on the Census return form.


Or even the number of Sikhs, Hindus, Jews, Muslims, Wiccans, Pagans Animists, etc.

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