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Is Satan really a bad person?

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LOL at "outrage"


Also, are you sure that Lucifer didn't just aspire to be as jealous as God was?

Eh ? Have you hit your head? God OWNED Lucifer. He created him for a reason. Lucifer should indeed be loyal and abide by God's rules to do his job as an Angel. God wanted Lucifer to do his job. If God wanted Lucifer to be Jesus, he would have called him Jesus and not Lucifer. He would not even made him an Angel, he would have made him a Man.


God is Almighty. So why would God be jealous of Lucifer? :huh: He's the CEO ! You cannot top the CEO. The CEO has the ultimate plan and right to the direction of the company. You cannot challenge the CEO if you are an employee unless he asks you to do so.


I actually see... why you created this thread now. It is pretty funny. :D

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God is Almighty. So why would God be jealous of Lucifer? :huh: He's the CEO ! You cannot top the CEO. The CEO has the ultimate plan and right to the direction of the company. You cannot challenge the CEO if you are an employee unless he asks you to do so.


The CEO can be overthrown by a crafty board, though.

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The CEO can be overthrown by a crafty board, though.


The board is really God, Jesus, Spirit. Lucifer does not even have the power. What skills does he have? That is why he cannot be CEO. Cos he did not do the apprenticeship.


Harmony also only exists if one abides by the rule of the land and work in an inter-dependent way. Lucifer is never going to be that way if he did not do his role as an Angel. That is his responsibility.

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He's totally misunderstood. He doesn't agree with God's paradigm (and let's face it, which well reasoned person would), and decided to do his own thing.


And quite right, too! Freedom of speech is important.


That is why he will never be God. Cos God is Truth. Lucifer refused to accept this truth. God has ethics. He has plans, and the rules. He wanted each person to live in harmony. He tried to persuade Lucifer to not disturb the other angels, confuse them and also to live happily with others. Yet, Lucifer cannot accept this. Cos Lucifer wanted to be the controlling man. The CEO.


Yet, I have to ask you. What exactly is in the role of the CEO that entices and make Lucifer wants it? What human emotions, feelings, desire, attribute to Lucifer wanting the CEO role before he had the capability to do it ?


Also, how do you think that God do not know the creatures that he made ? What if God can predict what Lucifer can do ?


Sometimes, it is not the act of what we say and do. But what we think, and what our heart feels and do, which displayed into actions, that counts the most.


Freedom of the moral truth is important. Not just random babbles. Being honest and truthful is important too. Some people lie through their teeth to get the results that they want. Therefore, if they do that, they are as said, just letting their dark side overtake them, as Lucifer did.

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That is why he will never be God. Cos God is Truth. He refused to accept this truth. God has ethics. He has plans, and the rules.


No, God is 'his' version of truth. His blinkered version of what he wants people to believe.


As for the 'rules'. Is this the same god that smites on a whim, and slays capriciously. The vengeful god? Or the 'I've reformed' god that he decided is much better for PR?

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No, God is 'his' version of truth. His blinkered version of what he wants people to believe.


As for the 'rules'. Is this the same god that smites on a whim, and slays capriciously. The vengeful god? Or the 'I've reformed' god that he decided is much better for PR?

You should read some books on Ethics. It ties in with everything.


The Truth that God is about, is one of Moral Truth. (Not logical truth.) The question is whether Lucifer accepts this Moral Truth from God. God won't lie. Yet, obviously he will judge and do his work as God, if anyone under him in Heaven causes disharmony.


God is not here to dish out a singular version of truth. He created tools for anyone to seek the truth for themselves. Cos he knew that people, angels, anyone created by him will want to seek the Truth. He created complex tests yah dee dah, so that each of the creatures that he made truly find themselves back in Heaven. Well, he hopes.


I don't get you here. Smites on a whim ? Are you referring to text in the bible? If so, can you link it? Cos I cannot mind read what you are on about.

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So, based on your outrage and response, I went and actually googled Satan to find out the story behind Satan. You know what I was thinking? I thought to myself, how true and inline with my sentiment of how Satan was. The sin that he has was "pride"


Surely he can't have been as full of pride as God? He doesn't exactly come across as humble and down to earth does he? What with all the smiting of those who rejected him and stuff.

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