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Is Satan really a bad person?

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It is pretty funny for me to see someone overdo the analysing of some text which have some half truthful stories to real life, and some added by humans over the course of the years.



I will hold my hands up here, as I do not know the old testament well to the new testament


Why bother reading it at all, when you are gifted with such intuitive understanding of the will of God? Why not just write your own holy book?

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Eh ? Have you hit your head? God OWNED Lucifer. He created him for a reason. Lucifer should indeed be loyal and abide by God's rules to do his job as an Angel. God wanted Lucifer to do his job. If God wanted Lucifer to be Jesus, he would have called him Jesus and not Lucifer. He would not even made him an Angel, he would have made him a Man.


God is Almighty. So why would God be jealous of Lucifer? :huh: He's the CEO ! You cannot top the CEO. The CEO has the ultimate plan and right to the direction of the company. You cannot challenge the CEO if you are an employee unless he asks you to do so.


I actually see... why you created this thread now. It is pretty funny. :D


I like this one, God is almighty and he created Lucifer (I don't know why you brought Jesus into it). Why did he create him with "evil" in him? If he didn't, then why did he create Lucifer with the ability to turn evil when he has such an important job as an angel?


I never said that God was jealous of Lucifer. I said that maybe Lucifer aspired to be jealous, like God was (the old testament portrays God as a jealous, vengeful entity).


Please answer me this, if a boy's parents create him, should he be loyal and abide by their rules regardless of how they treat him?

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yes because he interfered with his purpose for humans


genesis 1:28


So he didn't murder thousands of innocent lives or anything like that? He's evil because he interfered with God's purpose for humans?


I was going to mention how an almighty god could just hit rewind and carry on with his plans uninterfered but that's not really on topic.

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satan chose to step out of line he wanted what wasnt his " worship,to be the leader" that desire to have what was Gods as he is the creator grew in him


a bit like a thief is not born a thief , he choses that course


satan set up his own rebellion


genesis 3:2-5


Why do you think he rebelled?

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Oh, I understand now. Because rationalists are ruining the world, your apparently inconsistant, contradictory and sometimes meaningless utterances actually signify a deeper understanding. It is merely proof that you are acting from a spiritual plane which cannot be shackled by the chains of normal human communication.


Why don't you tell us about your deep understanding of reality in our dreams then? Surely you should not be subjecting yourself to the vulgar form of communication used by us lot down here on the Earthly plane at all?

Sigh. Ethics. Fundamental of religions. Psychology.


It seems that I was not so wrong to think that karma is also what Christianity have. Maybe you like to use the English language to dispel the idea, but it is similar.


See source: http://www.bbc.co.uk/religion/religions/christianity/beliefs/originalsin_1.shtml

Secular ideas of original sin


Modern thinkers don't think the doctrine of original sin is literally true, but they do think it contains real truths about the human condition:


The world is not as good as we want it to be

We are not as good as we want to be

Individual behaviour is greatly influenced by things outside the individual's control

Many of these are historical things:

events in the individual's past

events in the past of the individual's family

customs that their culture has built up through history

These things affect humanity as a group as well as individuals


To me, that is also the same as "Humanist" beliefs. Which is again, just basic fundamental theology which many major religion have too. Isn't that quite coincidental ? You say that my idea of Christianity is too basic ? What exactly are you looking for ? You probably have your own values or ethical values built up from various sources that you have been exposed to. So have I.


I still cannot quite get over the fact that some people like to analyse the stories way differently than the simplistic idea first.

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Why bother reading it at all, when you are gifted with such intuitive understanding of the will of God? Why not just write your own holy book?

lol. Why the insult? Cos frankly, are you God? Am I God? NO. So why are you acting as if I am insulting you in any way shape or form ? Surely, as someone has already mentioned that God and Satan are metaphors. Ideas. Concepts. How you interprets it is up to you. How I interpret it, is up to me. Why use the English language to hold me to ransom and demand an explaination? You want truth? Then accept the truths! Which is what I said already. That the Bible has been changed over the course of the centuries, so how can you say what is relevant now in its text is the absolute truth to when it was originally written? I accept the way the Bible has been in human history. THAT is the truth.


It does not take a rocket scientist to know sins, and to understand the basic concept of karma. What one does affect themselves and others, and also react in a way which they can not ever foresee. That makes us flawed.

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